Tuesday, April 15, 2014


(I just found this in my drafts, so even though it was written quite a while back, I will add it)

Now, if you are a Christian, that comes as no surprise to you at all. 

 If you are watching God working in your life you see Him all over you and in your day. 
One of the highlights of our  Christian walk , as a married couple, started when we learned to LOOK for God at work.
We call this activity: "GOD SIGHTINGS". 
So many times we have missed Him at work in us and gave credit to His creation, rather than the Creator. 
But now....we LOOK, and give credit where due!

God loves to send SURPRISES!  
I tend to call them GOD HUGS, or GOD KISSES....for they are  personal blessings that warm my heart.
I picture Jesus looking down at us, saying: "I am going to send them a Blessing today and let them know I LOVE them."
Jesus decided to bless ME, to bless US.   AMAZING!!
Here is one example:

We were both tired from bringing load after load from the mobile home to our new Blessing House....many of you know what I mean...moving can be ALOT of work!  It is physically tiring and to find "the place" for things is a mental and emotional strain.

I carried the top drawer from a filing cabinet we had picked up a couple years ago from a neighbor who had deceased.  
His son said we could have anything in the house we wanted for all the help we had given his dad.  We took the two drawer filing cabinet. 
  I also carried in the second drawer and placed on the couch.
 Ken went out to get the cabinet itself. 
 I heard him say:  "We are Rich!"

In the bottom of the cabinet (where normally we would never see) there was a wallet.  NOTHING in it but money.  No Identification.  No pictures.  Just money.   $175.00!

WHEW that was exciting as we stopped hauling things to investigate the wallet.  We laughed and thought of our neighbor RAY as we found bills hidden in various pockets of the wallet.  So much like his personality.
We could almost envision Ray and God looking down in pleasure as we enjoyed this surprise treasure.

Now Ken will have to decide what to do. 
 We had the phone number of our deceased neighbor's son. 
 The son told us to keep the surprise treasure!
It was such a FUN SURPRISE!

I love GOD and how HE loves on His people!!!
I love God and how He loves ME!
I love His Hugs and His Kisses!
God does this over and over and over again.
Just when I am feeling overwhelmed, or discouraged, GOD sends me a Care Package wrapped in Love.  
We serve an AMAZING God!

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