As a mother, I am well aware of the pain Mother's Day can bring. Most of us, mothers, are aware of the cards with the amazing Hallmark words of love and devotion that go way past the reality of life. As much as wordy Hallmark cards are painful, we also know the pain of when our children forget to send a card of any kind. People may ask, "Did you hear from your children?" Mother's Day can be a very lonely day, a refective day, a painful day.......unless you are still blessed to gather around the table with your children. Those days are precious memories.
As a Counselor, I am well aware of the pain that Mother's Day brings to those dear women who will never be able to carry a child, or have lost a child. That kind of pain is accentuated as crafts are done in schools and sunday schools for children to bring their moms. Accentuated at mother and daughter events. It is a painful time. I have known ladies who stay home from Church on Mother's Day because it is so painful when the Pastor has all the mothers stand to honor them.
As one whose mom went to Glory this year, I am now aware what it is like to no longer have a mother to honor on this day. I regret the times when I flippantly bought her a card, just because it was mother's Day. I didn't want her to get a card from my sister and not me. I had the honor of going through her scrapbooks after her death, and SAW how she SAVED each card over the years. Mother's day will no doubt have tears for me this year, as I still terribly miss my mom. My tears will join the many thousands who for one reason or another will cry on the day we call Mother's Day.
As a Pastor's wife, I see our Church filled with elderly women who week after week sit alone in their pews. Their children do not attend here, or anywhere. Just yesterday a lady was sharing about how much that hurts her. Her son KNOWS she can no longer drive herself to Church, and yet he didn't even come to visit her, let alone offer to drive her to the Church she LOVED to attend. He may indeed give her a Mother's Day card, but driving her to Church would have meant alot more to her.
I made an insert to put into our bulletin this week. It is an invitation that our widows can give to their children as a special invite to Church on Mother's Day. It may not be successful, but we are always trying to strengthen family relationships, as well as to draw people to God.
If you are a woman......I applaud you and want you to know that you are a wonderful woman because you are created in the image of God! He has a great purpose for your life. You have a great future ahead of you, as you seek HIS will for your life.