Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Holding a Lady's Hand

I have missed holding my mom's hand as we walked along.  Oh we were aware of what it LOOKED like to some people in today's world, but we also were VERY aware of the meaning it had for us.  Two friends who were proud to be able to walk side by side and loved being together.   Since her entrance into Heaven, I have missed that -I have missed her warm hand in mine...... but God has heard my heart's cry.

Twice so far this week, it has been my honor to hold the hand of another woman while walking....short distances, but nevertheless....walking with them.

One was a dear friend who is struggling with some memory issues.  We walked and talked as we cried together, laughed together, prayed together and smiled into each other's faces and hearts.  I love holding her hand.  I love the warmth of her hand, for it means LIFE.  Precious life, a gift from GOD.

This morning I held the hand of a neighbor lady who has Alzheimers.  I held her hand so she would not stray while her daughter was busy doing something in the yard.  What an honor to feel the warmth of LIFE in my hand. Her sweet smile as she looks at me and innocently says "I Love you", warms my heart.

This morning I heard Beth Moore mention how when Jesus was 12 years old  his family had gone on a big family trip, laughing and talking as they walked along.....only to loose the presence of Jesus.  They didn't even know he was gone for a while! But they sure missed him when they realized he was not present!  

 I pray that my life will never again become so full of busyness, activities, programs and things that I loose sight of Jesus in my life.  I know HE wants my life to be more aware of PEOPLE , than THINGS. 

That is one treasure I have about my mother-in-law, Marie.  It seemed no matter what she was doing, when I came to visit.....she gave me her full attention.  She didn't look longingly at her projects and think  "Will this girl ever leave?".  She would ask if I cared for a cup of tea, and before I could answer the tea kettle was on.  She knew the value of PEOPLE over things.

 God is teaching me the value of His presence, and the value of loving people.  The whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to SEEK AND TO SAVE THOSE WHO WERE LOST, and ultimately PAY the penalty  for their sin.  He touched those who others would not touch.  He cared about people no matter what disease they had, how old or young, how much money they had, what language they spoke, etc.  I want to be like HIM.

 I want my heart to beat in sync with the heart of Jesus.  May I never be too busy to touch another warm human being, and show them the Love of Jesus.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

He unpacked my Suitcase

Have I told you lately how thankful I am for a LIVING God!   Last night my Lord woke me up about 3:00 and then did most of the talking while I listened.  He created me as a visual learner, so He had  a suitcase for me to see.  And He began to unpack it while He talked.  He thanked me for being willing and eager all these years to serve as a Foreign Missionary.  

Background:  Since I was a little girl I wanted to be a Missionary for Jesus. Ken and I did a couple of short term trips and LOVED THEM! Always expected the Lord to swing open the door to go abroad. Always thought it would be in a spanish speaking country because that language is the most familiar to me.  We named our children names that would easily translate into Spanish.  Long ago, back in college, I felt drawn to a place called Botswana, Africa.  A place I have never placed my feet, and yet have prayed for the people there over the years.  It didn't really matter to me where, I just wanted to be a Missionary for Jesus!
 Yet year after year God has led Ken and I to  serve Him in the USA. , and I have done so joyfully (most of the time). I will serve HIM anywhere.  I mean that, and yet the YEARNING to go abroad has been strong. Missionary conferences are especially hard for me, as I am JUMPING up and down before Lord, saying "TAKE ME, TAKE ME."  Yet year after year God keeps us here in the USA.