Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life is like a Maze!

The Lord is allowing me  to teach Sunday School for a lovely group of Deaf Adults.  Our Church has been reading through the Bible slowly.  Each Sunday, Pastor preaches from the chapters the congregation was to read the previous week.  I also, in Sunday School class, with God's help, share a lesson from the assigned reading.  I have found Isaiah to be challenging. 

Yet this week God POWERFULLY spoke to my own heart from Isaiah 30.

The Israelites, OT book after OT book, have rebelled against God's Word.  They begged forgiveness and He was faithful to forgive them.   Two miles down the road they are complaining and rebelling again.  Isaiah 30 says WOE TO THEM who keep going back to Egypt.   It seems like such craziness for them to entertain the thought of going back to Egypt where they lived in SLAVERY, just because they get tired of the same food, or whatever.

Yet  we, God's Engrafted Children  (Christians)  , OFTEN act the very same way as the Israelites!!

I started SS today with a MAZE....asking this adult class  to find their way from Egypt to the Promised Land.

I watched each student as they tried to look ahead for walls. 
 I watched as they bumped into a wall and had to go a different way. 
 I saw the temptation for one to view another's paper because it was too challenging for them. 
 I had to encourage one student to continue rather than to quit. 
I watched as one thought she was done, only for me to show she had not come out the exit, but rather ended at a wall. 
Curve after Curve, wall after all, each student kept on until they proclaimed with glee, "I'm done!" 
My heart ached within me as God continued to show me how "real to life" this maze is.
Before starting the actual lesson, I explained to them how the Maze was like Real Life. 
  • We are on a journey to Heaven, it started the day we bowed ourselves in faith to Jesus.
  • All along the path, there are bends, where we cannot see what is coming up.
  • We do not always know if we made a right choice or not, until we hit the wall. 
  • We should not stand smashed against our mistake, but turn around, until the right path is reached again. 
  • We all wish life was a nice easy, straight journey from our Salvation to Heaven....and it a way.   Isaiah 35 says there are no lions or predators on this path....Lions may roar and darkness may be near, but our road is safe because JESUS has not only put us ON the path, but walks with us, step by step.  
..will be Heaven! 
  •   It may take a while to reach it.
  • We might get tired in the journey.
  • We might get bruised as we bump into walls..
  • BUT..... we will all make it....
This is the REST of the Lesson:
Thank You, Lord for YOUR Word!

Friday, June 20, 2014


This morning I woke up with
a Heavy Cloud of sadness
as I reviewed friend after friend
who was in crisis.
 I WANTED to rescue each one.
I WANTED  to take their pain away.
 I WANTED to put the Sunshine back into their life.
I WANTED to hand them a never ending supply of JOY.
I was even willing to take the pain on myself and off my friends.
 BUT, I am not God!  
(Bet that surprises ya, hey?......ha ha)

I have learned SO MUCH from the 'cloud time' in my life,
and so glad that I walked thru it. 
 I learned about GOD, and I was able to learn about MYSELF. 
  I need God, and with HIM, life is a WIN-WIN. 
 So who do I think I am,
having the desire to rob them of learning from God!  
My desire was VERY SELFISH!
 YET STILL my heart aches for them.


My hubby and I were on our motorcycle riding home from visiting my sister, about an hour away.  Clouds looked dark ahead.  We started out without our rain gear, for it was not raining....but the WIND was very strong.  It was actually TOO strong for my comfort.  I felt the bike was riding on an angle due to the wind.  I was hanging on, where I usually do not hang on.
GOD began to show me this is LIFE
here on Earth. 
I was not alone.  I was with my husband who loved me.  HE was driving me HOME. All I had to do was ride along, even though the wind battered me, the clouds were ominous, the rain was pending, but we were heading home TOGETHER.
Soon my hubby pulled over and he got out the rain gear for me to put on, and we started out again.  The rain came, the wind battered me, I clung on ,wishing we were in the car, or already at home.  My hubby kept moving forward.  Both of our shoes filled with rain water, but for the most part we kept dry.
FINALLY, the rain calmed down, the roads were more visible and I was able to relax more.  I watched the lightening  and heard the thunder, but we kept moving forward.   Finally we pulled safely into our driveway and I got off.   My driver had not been stressed at all, he said "That was a good ride."   I looked at him in disbelief.  Were we not together the entire way?  How could one 'LOVE the ride', and the other one 'Totally Uncomfortable'?
Everyone has their own personal ride thru life with Jesus.  He is driving.  We voluntarily got on the back by faith in HIM.  He drives and we have LOVE the ride, or be totally uncomfortable at what we see or feel.
Either way....we end up HOME.
I would rather go thru life ENJOYING it, then wishing I had not gone along in the first place.
Do you understand what I am trying to say?