Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don't be BRAIN dead!

2 Timothy 2: 15  (KJV)

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

When recently asking my Sunday school why we read our Bibles, why we come to Church, why we come to Sunday school.....all I heard was shallow answers like, " It is good for us".

The Lord reminded me of something I had purchased at least a year ago at a Dollar Tree.  It was alittle "brain" that you put in water and it grows.  Similar to the zillions of things you can buy like that....but this was a human brain shape.

I took it to class.  I took a wide glass vase and taped the above verse on the outside of the vase.  I explained that this was our brain before coming to Church or before reading your Bible.  We HAD a brain, but spiritually it was dead. 

When we become SAVED, our spiritual brain (our soul) can grow, learn how to live Life God's way.

We measured the brain it was FOUR INCHES all around.

I explained the reason we come to Church, Sunday school and read our Bibles is to GROW in our knowledge of who HE is, who WE are in Christ, and how the two together can make life here enjoyable until we get to Heaven.

I placed the "brain" into the vase of water.   How we wait to see how it grows before we meet back together.

The next week it was  ALMOST ELEVEN inches around!  When we saturate ourselves in the Word of God we grow.  My students seemed to now be getting the message.  They agreed they want to GROW spiritually.

I then told them, let's take the "brain" out of the water now and see what happens if we go one week WITHOUT reading our Bible or Miss ONE Sunday.

The next week the brain had shrunk to NINE INCHES.  We talked about how we often think or say : "One week missing church won't hurt me" or "One week without reading the Bible is no big deal."  but it DOES effect us.

We let it dry another week and it continued to shrivel.  Still not back to it's original size.

We could SEE that THIS brain needed water to grow, like we need the Word of God to grow spiritually.

It was a fun Lesson. Halloween time is a good time to find these brains for sale.

2 Timothy 2: 15  (CEV)
15 Do your best to win God’s approval as a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed and who teaches only the true message.