Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Death and near Death

My dear husband, known as "Pastor Ken" has had some really busy days. But March 16, 2019 was a full day for sure.  In the morning he brought me the flowers we had staying cool in the camping trailer.  I was busy cutting  daisies and  ferns to make a special Memorial token in Vivian's honor.  I put a daisy, a fern and a butterfly together with floral tape.  She and I LOVED butterflies and would give each other butterfly items ….just because.

Pastor Ken was busy making sure he had the podiums from the Church, all the wiring he needed, the speakers, the "boom box", Vivian's Bible, his notes, etc and loaded them in the car. The Service was not at the Church but at the cemetery mausoleum "chapel". They provide only the stand for the Memorial book. They had two outlets and 45 chairs. Everything else we (or the family) provide. At first it was VERY HOT in there as we were setting up. We remembered several years back we

had a funeral there and there was NO AC.   Ken said, 'I am not sure I am going to make it without AC today.'  Thankfully, the Cemetery Director came and turned it on just in time to make the funeral service comfortable.  The service was wonderful. The music was great, the equipment worked, their was alot of sharing of stories, and family hugged each other.  Very sweet service. 

 I passed out the flower mementoes and we all got in our cars to head 1/2 block to the burial site. We got in our car, and followed the hearse which is custom for the Pastor to do.

Ken, Angel and I stepped out of the car and headed to the burial site behind the coffin. Ken led the grievers in Psalm 23.  Then I sang, :His Name is Wonderful"....which was probably the last Jesus song she sang (with me) two days before she went to Heaven. Then Pastor Ken nodded to the funeral director. He heard someone say:  "Is that all?"  Ken had a conversation with Vivian's son then turned to me and said,  "We must go, I am really hurting."

He felt it when he stepped out of the car to walk to the burial site!  He led Psalm 23 and waited for me to sing, and talked with a family member....ALL WHILE IN PAIN with a heart attack!

We went the 1/2 block back to the mausoleum where our speakers, podiums etc still were. Ken stayed in the car and dialed 911.  His pain was very intense and no relief even after two nitro and two excedrin.  The ambulance came and took my hubby to the hospital.

We learned a blood clot had gone into one of his heart stents clogging it completely.  So he was in terrific pain for about 1 1/2 hours.  Then into the cath lab where they did angioplasty to open up the stent and remove the blood clot. It definitely was a heart attack.  He then went into ICU.  

So thankful that God is not done with him yet.  GOD has allowed him to live over and over again.  Heart attack, after heart attack, God continues to give his life back to us.  Yes, I am GRATEFUL!

He is home now to recover.  So Thankful for God's Mercies- We serve an AWESOME GOD!!