Saturday, March 12, 2011

Coffee Break

My body has been FEELING alot of stress lately. I am not sure if I have more stress than usual and that is WHY I am feeling it, or if maybe I am just getting more in tune with the signals my body sends me. But for whatever the reason, I have been aware that my BODY has been feeling stress. So amid the preparations of various lessons etc....I do try to take care of myself.

Today the mailperson brought ne a BLAIR catalog. I love catalogs. They are no brainers, there is hardly anything to read, just visual enjoyment as I look at the colors, the fashions, and the prices. It doesn't matter if I ever buy anything. I cannot seem to keep my mind on Lesson preparations UNTIL the catalog has been looked at from cover to cover.

SO I poured me a cup of coffee, and settled into a recliner with my Blair catalog. I opened the catalog and then slowly brought the coffee cup to my lips. ........what a SHOCK! The coffee was cold! The coffee maker had turned off a few hours ago apparently! There was no refreshment in cold coffee....and certainly NOT the way I had envisioned my nice catalog break!

I slowly got up from my recliner and put the coffee cup in the microwave. Yes, things do not always go as we plan them, or envision them...............but they do happen. I DID have my break and I DID enjoy the catalog, and I even enjoyed a cup of hot coffee. But it did not happen the first time. I was determined to have my break, and it was worth it. It even sparked me to share this with you!

Some things are just worth making it possible, even if you have try and try again.

Now I need to get back to work!

Friday, March 11, 2011

He stood alone in the Bean Field!

In 2 Samuel 23 is an account of David's 3 MIGHTY MEN. We have to laugh because chapter 22 says his whole army was a group of losers, people with problems. But it is the third Mighty Man that captured my attention.

The Israelites were in the bean field (not sure what stage they were in, but commentators think it was harvest time). They had planted the lentils, and taken care of them so they could have food for their families. BUT the enemy advances in their direction! The Israelites all RUN....except one man! He stands in the middle of the bean field prepared to die rather than relinquish his bean field to the enemy. He is not about to feed the enemy without a fight. The Bible says that he completely struck down the enemies all by himself. Now that is impossible! Sounds like a fable, unless you are familiar with GOD. NOTHING is impossible with God....all GOD needed was ONE able and willing body to work thru!

There are alot of people who have been told they are not worth very much- "You won't amount to a hill of beans". These labels cause people to feel unworthy of being protected, unworthy of experiencing anything good in their life. BUT there is a wonderful divine purpose for EVERY life.

Jesus stood in the middle of OUR bean field, our life....and gave HIS life for us. He died that we might live! He rose again, so that we might have abundant life here and forever!

Jesus is the ONLY ONE who could do that, and He willingly stood in our place.

Don't give the enemy any ground in your life. Jesus paid for us with His blood.

Offer your harvest to HIM, and He will feed a nation with your fruit.