Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Side to Side

Our Vacation Vignette
Title: “Side to Side”

Amid the 4,613 miles I sat quietly behind my husband on our Goldwing, I was unable to look straight ahead unless I leaned to one side. All I could see straight ahead was the back of Ken’s helmet. I had to be content with seeing only what was on my left or my right. I did not have the advantage of seeing the road ahead of us, including any bumps that Ken was soon going to avoid, or bends in the road we would soon lean into. This may be why so many passengers decide to get a bike of their own, so they can know what is ahead. But I am very content riding behind my husband looking only to the left or the right. I have no major decisions to make, I just need to ride with the bike, trusting the driver. I feel life is a lot like that. We all WANT to know what is ahead of us, but rarely do we get advance warning of the bumps in the road. Contentment is something we learn when we realize we are NOT the driver of our life, so we best be content with trusting HIM and enjoy the ride. I trust my husband to watch the road for me, because he loves me. I trust my LORD with my life. He loves me and wants the best for me. I just need to ride along with Him, and enjoy the ride.

Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and HE shall direct thy paths.

What am I doing!

Our Vacation Vignette
Title: “What am I Doing !”

Early on our motorcycle trip of 4,613 miles, I fought with an enemy many of us are familiar with. On and off for the first few days of the trip I would all of a sudden be VERY aware that there was NOTHING to my left, right, or above my head. I was VERY aware that the pavement under my feet was swiftly moving and there was nothing physically to protect me should we go down. It is a paralyzing thought to be on this moving bike with the full knowledge that if you went down, your skin would be scraping against the pavement. I began to envision a car coming at us, or a deer dashing out. I envisioned the bike going down and almost felt myself smashing and becoming one with the pavement. The thoughts began to multiply as my fear overtook me, and then.... I came to my senses. I started quoting a familiar verse that has helped me in many fearful situations over my life. I repeated the verse over and over until a wonderful peace swept over me and the spirit of fear was gone. I can honestly tell you that I did not have one moment of fear on the way home! Thank YOU Lord!

2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”


Our Vacation Vignette
Title: “Shadows”

During our motorcycle trip of 4,613 miles, I found ways to entertain myself. In a car I could read a book, take a nap, or work on a computer project, but those are not options on a motorcycle. Therefore, I do a lot of looking around at the beautiful scenery, a lot of thinking and mega uninterrupted prayer time. But in the mornings I was entertained as I watched shadows. First of all, we had a shadow riding beside us for many miles – there we were in flat black moving along silently on the pavement below. What caught my attention was when a Semi Truck would whiz by. His shadow would totally cover us. His shadow slammed into us and totally engulfed us with his dark likeness. I was amused as this occurred time after time. I was immediately reminded of Psalm 23. Death will not destroy the Believer, we will only be smacked by the SHADOW of death, then enter into the presence of our LORD. I also noticed at noon, the shadows were still there, but not easily seen because the sun was overhead. The shadow was UNDER each vehicle. I thought how neat that was. When we are aligned with Jesus, all of our SHADOWS are UNDER our feet, in the name of Jesus!

Psalm 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me...”

No Escape!

Our Vacation Vignette
Title: “NO ESCAPE!”

Amid the 4,613 miles I sat quietly behind my husband on our Goldwing, I was able to enjoy A LOT of wonderful scenery. I saw numerous cattle farms and fields of horses. I saw houses small and large. I especially liked the big southern houses with their wrap around porch, complete with empty rocking chairs waiting to be occupied by weary bodies in the cool of the evening. I saw and smelled many kinds of trees and flowers as we road by gardens and lawns perfectly groomed. I saw mountains and valleys, windy, steep, narrow roads, as well as roads where the Semi trucks made me hold onto my helmet when they passed by. But the one thing I could not escape all 4,613 miles was myself! My reflection was CONSTANTLY in the back of Ken’s helmet. Sometimes I would just look at myself and have a mental talk with myself. That is oh so true in matter where we go, we cannot escape from our self. I am so glad that I have become my own friend. I am comfortable in my skin and who I am in Christ. But it was not always so. I challenge you to learn to be comfortable with who you are.......even if it means you need some changes.
Galations 2:20 I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”