Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our Christmas Party

Last night was our All church Christmas party. It was fun.

We started out with Christmas music in the background as each was greeted by Pastor or myself. We had two tables for the finger food and one table for the exchange gifts....each having their own little optic Christmas tree (a recent donation). We helped them put their food or their exchange gift in the proper place. All were seated on tables with green tableclothes with stand up felt Christmas trees as decorations.

On the tables were bowls of marshmallows, toothpicks and stick pretzels, while they sat waiting they could create things with them and a prize was given at the end of the evening. Some were very very good! We also took some pictures of those creations. A box of candy was given to the overall winner of those creations at the end of the party.

Then Pastor prayed and we filled our plates with all kinds of finger foods.

When our stomachs were satisfied and the basic chit chat was satisfied we opened the night with a musical display of pictures of what we had done over this last year as a Church. amazing to see how many things our small congregation had accomplished. Ken did such a great job in putting the presentation together. We borrowed the projector from a funeral home since we do not have our own. We projected it onto the Fellowship Hall wall. It was very nice to review this.

THEN we started our first game. We made three teams: Two adult teams and one youth. I asked for one volunteer from each team who could stand for at least 15 minutes. I explained that our volunteers would now be transformed into a tree. I put over each one a disposable green table cloth where I had cut an X in the center so their head could slip over it. Each put their hands out to the side and now were the Christmas trees. I had the same number of decorations for each team consisting of stick up Christmas bows and various large foam shape stickers. I counted to three and then each team was to decorate their tree. It went over very well. We then took a picture of each team by their tree, and also a picture of the 3 trees standing together. The reward was just applause for each tree and each team.

Then I asked for all BRAVE souls who wanted to participate in the next game to sit at this one table. We had about ten brave souls. I brought out paper plates with the following: I placed an unwrapped piece of bubble gum in the center and squirted whip cream (canned) all over it forming a mound of whiteness. At my count of three, NOT using their hands, they were to find the bubble gum and chew it until they could make a bubble. Amazing how well that one went over. It was alot of fun.

Next we did the gift exchange game which was testy for some of our older folks, but we all survived it. Each was handed a gift as we sat in a big circle. Pastor Ken then read a Bible based story and every time he read the word: "RIGHT" we would pass the gift to the right, and when the story said the word "LEFT", we would go left. You can see why this would be confusing and stressful for some as the story picked up pace. But the younger ones all enjoyed it, and I tried to keep the older ones laughing. Everyone went home with something. Ken brought home a game and I brought home four bowls.

Then we went into a more serious mode. I explained that our Church currently supports a Missionary in Poland and I would like us to try one of their traditions. On Christmas Eve as each family gathers together for a huge meal they FIRST do the wafer. Each person is handed a large size wafer and you are to go up to each person, one at a time, telling them how they have blessed you this year, share positive words with each other, AND YET it is also the perfect time to reconcile with family and friends as you are one-on-one. Then you would break a piece from each others bread and "break bread together"- eat it together. The idea is to enter the celebration of Jesus with a pure heart and to start this new year afresh. Ken then stood and gave an example of this so all could understand. Then I passed a large sheet of mazto bread to each person. It was beautiful to watch. Some people would say simple things like: "Bless you". But I saw plenty of tears and hugs and heard meaningful words of gratitude and expressions of love one with another. It was lovely! That took quite a while as you were to keep moving to different people until your bread was gone.

This concluded our party. I had more games to play - but it seemed like it was time to end. And it was good to end on such a meaningful tone.

It was a lovely evening with God's people.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Three FIRSTs!

Being in the Ministry is interesting for sure!

We have done pre marital counseling, rehearsal and a large wedding and didn't get a thing, not even a Thank you card. We have done funerals and various other things and sometimes we are given a financial gift and sometimes not. The greatest reward is one God gave: after the funeral of a stillborn baby girl, the couple called some nine month later saying they were pregnant with twins! That was the neatest reward of all - and they sent us pictures when they were born!

This last Thursday we had a funeral (Celebration of her life!) of a dear lady of our Church. Oh she will be missed greatly, and yet oh how we rejoice for her victory!

But let me tell you about the personal blessings to us that were unusual and special:

First, we were both given white flowers to wear during the ceremony! That indeed was a FIRST for us and so sweet. I know how PLEASED Alice would be that her children had honored us in this way.

THEN I received a check for SINGING! I have never been paid for singing at a funeral. THAT was a first! Ken was given a check also. Again I could see Alice smiling from Heaven, at how her children were showering us with love.

Florida is currently in a cold spell and we needed heat for the celebration service. The heat was not working right in the Church and Alice's family JUST HAPPEN to be in the heating and cooling business. So they did ALOT of labor and even bought parts and fixed our system. No cost to the Church. They probably saved the Church hundreds of dollars! Oh Alice would be so proud of her children and their attitude towards using their talents to benefit 'God's House'.

Ken stayed up all night trying to make a DVD for the family - compiling pictures he took at the viewing, the burial, people greeting each other, etc and played "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE" in the background (which is the song I sang at the Celebration). He has never made a ppt/DVD before. He studied, downloaded, experimented and finally this morning he produced it! He made six copies and took it over to the family tonight as a Gift from us.

The family had apparently had been expecting us, but no one had called us. Each one thought the other had called us to come over tonight. No one had called. So they were glad to see Ken. In a lovely manner, the children of dear Alice announced that they are donating Alice's car to us. You will have to ask Ken what kind it is - but it is a four door, so now we can pick up people more easily. It is much newer than our ailing Sebring. Our car has had so many issues llately that we knew soon we would have to buy something else before long. THIS takes all the pain out of searching and deciding. The LORD gave us a car!

This Hymn comes to my mind:

"I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazerene and wonder how He could love me, a sinner condemned unclean.
Oh how marvelous, Oh how wonderful and my song shall ever be.
Oh how marvelous, Oh how wonderful is my SAvior's love to me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We finally did it!

Ken drove me to Tampa to hear Joyce Meyer in person for the first time! I watch her most every morning before my feet hit the floor. It was great to see her in person.

We sat in the deaf section and were WOW WOWED by two fantastic Terps: Enrique and Glenda! Enrique lives in the Tampa area and is an excellent Interpreter. Glenda was amazing! She travels with Joyce Meyer. I was so PLEASED that God has given Joyce Meyer such a wonderful interpreter that not only signs well, but GLOWS with the love of God.

On the way home we hit a wild hog. Yes that is right, not a dog, but a HOG. We figured it was a just a matter of time before we hit one, as they are as plentious here as deer in the north. We are SO THANKFUL we hit a young one so the car was still driveable. We were also Thankful we were not on the motorcycle. We were also thankful that we hit him square on, so that the damage was minimal and did not seem to misalign the car. There is always so many BLESSINGS to count!

Ken will look over the car when it is daylight and see just how much damage there is. Hopefully just cosmetic - but he will find out tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pivotal Day

Today is such an important day in our lives. Florida has early voting, so this family voted last week....but this morning my daughter and I held McCain/Palin signs out in front of our Precinct. It was rather fun! We waved as people were driving by or driving in to vote. If they were republican they honked their horn, waved or gave us a thumbs up. That was fun. Only one person mouthed 'OBAMA<>

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I SAT Today!

Every Sunday is totally unpredictable. We can depend on nothing being constant in our little church. As DH and I sat holding hands in the car, before we went into the Church, we prayed and confessed to God that even if we were the only two in Church today we would worship HIM. We asked Him to guard our hearts against discouragement and to help us rejoice in our blessings.

We had no children :( and no deaf :( . Those are two things that have potential to send darts of discouragment to my soul - thoughts can then multiply into self pity, wondering why we are here, and if God is seeing and caring. BUT today neither one discouraged us and that is internal victory. (spiritual cartwheel inserted here!)

HOWEVER, since I did not have to interpret, it allowed me to get on my knees in prayer as my Pastor Hubby started the service with prayer. I LOVE to get on my knees before the LORD and yet when I interpret I am on my feet before Him during the duration of the service. Today I was able to kneel. We also have a PRAYER segment, where DH takes prayer requests from the people and DH earnestly brings them before the LORD. Once again I was able to go to my knees. Simple things, but a joy to me.

We had a new hearing man there today, and I was able to rejoice and even talk to him. Usually my conversation is captivated by the deaf group on Sundays.

In fact I was able to spend time in chatting with all the people today. Sometimes I cannot do that. If children come ,they totally preoccupy me before the service. After the service, the deaf do. So my chatting is done more on Sunday nights with the hearing people. So today was a treat to be able to chat without distraction with our people.

When Ken was preaching I was able to SIT and spread my Bible out on my lap and study the Word of God with him. I knew how this serman in particular weighed on his heart. He didnt really want to preach it, but God was insistant. He even went to the church yesterday to rehearse (as he had some props to use) giving God an opportunity to change His mind. So knowing all that, I was able to pray for him and receive the message God had for all of us about the Holy Spirit.

He started out by saying if we were to take a test on what we knew about God, we may give ourselves an 'A' grade of excellence. For we know God is Holy, Just, Love.....etc. If we would grade ourselves on that we know about Jesus, we would most likely all say 'A+' for there is no other name talked about, honored, and praised than Jesus Christ in any Baptist Church. But what grade would we give ourselves on our knowledge of the HOly Spirit? One person called out "D". One called our "C". DH said he was thinking a 'C+' - for we know he is the comforter ,the convictor and part of the Trinity. But it is a topic that we Baptists shy from in fear we get carried away and get another label that scares us all to death. That began his talk on the FILLING OF THE SPIRIT.

He had a glass jar and a pitcher and said things like: Feel me LORD - and the LORD pours but we still have the lid on - our fear, our resistance, our sin, our whatever keeps us from receiving his fullness in us. It is not God's lack, it is out lack. We must receive. Take off the lid of _______________ and let HIM fill us to overflowing with whatever HE desires for us for HIS Honor and Glory.

His sermon was longer than usual yet no one seemed to be stirring, or leaving.

He then went to the altar himself. I joined him. After the song, the music leader came to the altar. It was food for thought for our people. Many positive comments were made and I am sure people are still chewing on it, and wondering what exactly he meant. We trust they will go to the HOLY SPIRIT and ask HIM to teach them what DH meant and how they can be more open to the Holy Spirit of God. I rejoice that my husband, a solid Baptist, was willing to realize that even we have been putting GOD in a box. I trust God is truly beginning to be released from the box of our minds and received in HIS fullness, whatever that may look like.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Singing over the Phone!

We had a great prayer meeting! Attendance was low - we had six of us - but it was fun.

On Wednesday nights we each select a hymn of our choice. Then we go around the circle and sing the first verse of everyone's choice. Then Pastor Ken leads us in a Bible study and then we break into groups for prayer. TONIGHT because we have so may "shut-ins" we phoned a different shut-in for each person represented and sang the song to them over the cell phone. Each one we called was so thrilled to be a part of our service, even if they were not there in body. It encouraged them to KNOW that not only do we pray for them, but we truly think of them, miss them and think of ways to keep them involved. It was fun. That is the joy of a small Church - with a loving Pastor. :)

HA . . . I had to apologize to several deaf people today. About a week and a half ago I decided to get MORE organized on my email. I get about 100 emails a day from around the world. SO I directed all the deaf people's emails to go into their own folder instead of the general inbox. Then my brain forget about it. I wondered why they have ALL been so quiet! THEN my brain clicked in today and there they were in their own folders just like I had directed. GULP! They were wondering where I was, all the time I was wondering where THEY were. Life can be funny. Better to laugh at myself than to feel badly.

Three deaf friends informed me they would not be there Sunday and gave a decent reason. BUT another Deaf lady was excited about coming Sunday and asking if we go out to dinner afterwards, etc. I told her that most Sundays we go to the BLUE CRAB since it is near our Church and we do not have alot of time before heading over to the Nursing Home for ministry there. A few hearing couples usually go. A few deaf have come in the past but not often. So she was going to talk to the other deaf and see if they can join the hearing group this week. I LOVE the idea of togetherness - even though I do not get to eat much with all the terping of conversation. I have been in TOOOOO many churches where the deaf and hearing had basically nothing to do with each other. This Church is so very different, and I am so very grateful.

It has been a great day! Thank you Jesus.

Our Yesterday

Yesterday afternoon my husband and I went to meet a Missionary to the Deaf/wife, who is recuperating from a Kidney condition, here in FLorida. This is out of our comfort zones to enter someone's life without an introduction. BUT this is what happened:

I am sure both our hearts were pounding as we walked up the ramp of their home. I could hear mine, and I think I heard Ken's too. The air seemed silently still. We had called ahead so when we appeared, they welcomed us in.

Always interesting to hear Preacher to Preacher conversations. They always talk about what they have done for the Lord, where they have been, how many Churches, etc ..... I know it bothers my husband when the conversation goes this way, but it seems to be a 'man' thing (smile).

I wanted to know HOW he got into Deaf Ministry. I was pleased to hear his story was not dramatic, just everyday leading of our LORD: A sign language course was being taught in his church, he was the Pastor. He knew he needed to attend and learn as much as he could if deaf people would be coming to his church. Then he learned how few deaf actually go to church and how many deaf people there are. So that lit his fire to teach sign language classes in churches so they could share the gospel with deaf people.

Don't ya love to hear how God has worked in people's lives!

When we left them we headed to our Church where my husband carefully, lifted two TV's into our little car. One came from our house and one was from his office. [We had hoped to use them last Sunday as power point presentations - but when he turned them on Sunday they were both fuzzy, so he scraped it and just preached. :) Last Sunday he preached on Marriage and once again encouraged the people to vote YES on Amendment two. ]

We took the one TV back to our house, and the other one we took to a lady in a rehabilitation facility in Avon Park. They do not provide TVs or phones - but you can have them brought in. Well we had visited her Monday night and she was sobbing as the therapy was so very difficult and the Therapist had used words that were offensive to her. [She had knee replacement.] She was very upset, and ever grateful we had come. So Tuesday we brought her the TV so she could catch some of her relaxing game shows and also brought her a diet root beer - her favorite. She was thrilled. As you know, this is all a part of ministry. She and I sang a few songs together in her room, and her room-mate commented how lovely it was.....and ministry multiples. :)

We then visited another lady in a different facility in Avon Park where she receives rehab from a broken hip. It was supper time and we found her in her wheelchair praying over her meal and sobbing to God. It was a holy moment to stand in the doorway and to see this lady literally cry tears as she prayed over her supper and asked for His help in rehab so she can come home. That scene of urgent prayer was such a source of encouragement to us. When the prayer ended, she was delighted to see us and we visited while she ate. Such a precious lady - going through so much pain with her goal just to go home.

There are so many hurting people. God's people are hurting in their bodies and in their souls...Life is hard!...but our goal is to Glorify our Father....until we get HOME!

I LOVE being a Pastor's wife!
I LOVE being a Christian!
I LOVE Jesus!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Awesome Lord's Day

Today has been an Awesome Lord's Day and it is not yet over. I, along with so many people, have suffered from allergies/sinus all week- so it felt good to be in the House of the LORD even though we all had fragile voices, and low energy levels. Something powerful about the family of God being together.

I was so thankful the LORD brought in three children today for our SS class. They are little ones so we talked about the letter "A". Today it stood for ALL (for all have sinned - Romans 3:23) and for ANTS (Proverbs 6:6). We colored a big letter "A" Then glued raisins around the outline of the letter that represented ANTS. We acted like ants as we carried things on our back all around the table. When our load fell off, we could not be lazy, but be like ants, pick up our load and continue on. We also made an ant hill from a triangle that we covered with crushed graham cracker and had paper ants to glue around the hill- along with the words of Proverbs 6:6. The craft was fun - especially the crushing of the graham cracker that was inside a baggy. I used empty medicine bottles as our crushers. It worked nicely. It is hard for me to teach such little ones, but I also appreciate the S-T-R-E-T-C-H of three littles ones and not twenty. :)

This afternoon was our Nursing Home Ministry. That is always such a joy. Last week was the first time we canceled it in over two years. But too many of our team was sick, including me.
Today I talked about PRAYER. We played a recording of the song: The Lord's Prayer and I signed it to the people. Then I read the Lord's Prayer to them from Matthew 6 and Luke 11. This gave them three opportunities to HEAR and refresh in their minds the words that most of them knew. WE then recited the prayer together as a group. Then I had several prayers written by children. I read each one and we discussed how cute it sounds when you know a child has prayed it, but how we as adults often tell God how to do things, or make suggestions, or ask for things that are not to our best interest. The residents responded well as the simple prayers helped to connect their childness with their adultness. [I teach the Bible lesson to the assisted living unit and then I teach to the demenia unit]. We recited the Lord's prayer again and this time they were saying it with more meaning and it was a thrill to sense they have connected with the Word of God today.

So far it has been a powerful Lord's Day. The sermon this morning was powerful on Psalm 85. What a JOY to interpret the Word of God as my Husband preaches. God is so full of mercy, grace, love, compassion, righteousness and Truth! And the day is not over!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The House is Falling in!

My dog went BALISTIC when a HUGE noise rattled the house today. I was calmly sitting at my computer, my Pastor husband was at the Church office, and our daughter was out of the house. I remember thinking: IT sure sounded like the big tree in the back yard has fallen on the house, and yet I could not understand why I was not feeling or seeing any damage. As I calmly walked to the door, trying to ignore my dog who was unceasingly barking, . . . . I remembered!

The Space Shuttle was to land today, and we are quite used to the LOUD sound it makes when it breaks through the atmosphere. That is the signal for us to turn on the TV so we can watch the actual landing. I was glad I remembered what it was- always makes me feel assured when my aging brain clicks in to such vital information. My husband and I were trying to phone each other at the same time, until we finally reached each other and said " Turn on the TV". He told me how it had shaken every window, every board of the Church as he sat quietly in his office studying. It had a way of WAKING YOU UP wherever you were!

I could not help but think about the Rapture of our Lord. We KNOW Jesus is going to return, like I knew the space shuttle was to land today, and yet I was not thinking about it at the moment it occured. It happened whether I was expecting it or not. The space shuttle although not landing near us, had a way of getting our attention, got us to leave what we were doing and look to the skies.

Our Lord WILL return, and HE very well could return tonight, tomorrow or the next day. We KNOW He is going to come, but still we will all be caught off guard. But whether we are ready, or prepared - it will happen anyway - at HIS timing. HE will come and take us home if we are HIS children by faith, OR leave us sadly here, while our Loved ones who have trusted in Jesus are GONE.

I trust you are ready to go. I am!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We have a relatively new cat that has joined our household. Oh such fun our dog and cat have playing together. They are a delight to watch together. We enjoy both of them as part of our family. BUT lately the cat has started to ESCAPE when someone comes in or goes out. I mean there is no catching this cat, it ZIPS out faster than your body can move.

Now we have a pond behind our house where an alligator lives. WE also enjoy watching the alligator who most everyday suns himself on the bank about 50 feet across the pond from our home. He is easily seen and we enjoy watching him slither in and out of the water and tool around the pond. Now alligators like little animals. They like to eat little animals. We have tried to tell our cat that we are protecting him by insisting he stay inside the house where he has everything he needs.....yet still there is something inside this cat that wants to roam where he is not to roam. He wants to be out from under our protection for a few minutes a couple times a day. He never goes away for long and soon comes to the door meowing to come in. But the cat does not really understand what danger he is in. I am SURE the alligator now knows that a cat lives here, along with a little dog.

The other night, about 2:00AM our dog started to bark repeatedly. We both got up and turned on all the lights. We didn't SEE anything, but undoubtedly there was something there for our dog to carry on so. Th next morning there was a story on the news about a lady's dog that woke her up barking and to her surprise an alligator was in their yard. (It is mating season for alligators, so they are roaming). So perhaps our alligator was in our yard too in hopes that the cat would come out to play.

I think how similar itis to people, even Christians. We should be MORE than content with just being in the presence of God, His Word and being with His people- and yet how often we play around on enemy territory not really believing that we will ever be devoured, or caught. WE just want to enjoy both worlds or a season.

But one day we may be minus our cat. We hope he learns to be content and stayinside the house, where all of his needs are met, and he is well loved. But if he insists on sneaking out, he may pay the price and it would be our loss.

Oh I pray that I will stay miles away from the enemy's territory. I do not want to see how close I can get without getting caught. I want to stay cuddled up to my Savior, my Lord who is all that need. He meets my every need and HE adores me.