My husband and I TRY and take Monday as OUR day. It is our day of TOGETHERNESS. You might call it: OUR DATE DAY. We like to jump on our motorcycle and head somewhere just to be together and enjoy FLorida. Well yesterday's date had some EXCITEMENT.
On our way back from our DATE DAY (the beach in Fort Pierce), we had a scary encounter. As we were traveling along at the speed limit (on our motorcycle) Ken pointed ahead. There was a HUGE alligator starting to cross the road in front of us. His HUGE head and front "legs" were already past the white line into our lane. So we slowed down. We could not cross to the left lane because that is where he was heading.......we could not run INTO him....and we could not go behind him as a huge part of him was still off the shoulder. So we slowed down in our right lane and contemplated what to do.
IN THE MEANTIME, a semi truck driver had come up behind us, in our lane, did not notice that we slowed down....and didnt see the alligator (which was probably no threat to him, as it was to our bike). He was barreling down on us. I mean he was VERY close.
The truck driver FINALLY did SEE us and he went over to the farthest extent of the right lane to avoid us.
Apparently the alligator SAW the truck, opened his mouth wide and did a U-turn back off the road, so we were able to go over to the left lane and let the truck barrel through.
It was THEN he saw the alligator and figured it out. He then slowed down as he too probably realized what could have happened.
When we were side by side, we (Ken and I on our motorcycle, and the truck driver) all smiled and held out hearts as we each understood the danger we had all been in.
GOD PROTECTED US and we thank HIM.
Other than that, it was a GREAT day of togetherness.