While taking a casual stroll in our yard, I saw a little bird on the ground...and as I walked towards it....it did not fly away. Then I heard the loud chirping of parent birds as they were squalking something to the little bird, to each other or to me.......I didn't know WHAT they were saying, but the tone of their voice let me know the subject was the little bird on the ground.
I called to my husband. He gently walked towards the bird, but the bird kept backing away until it was at the brink of the Lake! The bird realized that it could not compete with the water, so started hopping back in my husband's direction. Gently my husband reached down for him and he quietly nestled into his cupped hands.
It was not clear if the bird had fallen out of the nest (actually looked too big for that), failed his flying test, or if he had actually been picked on by the others whose intent was to evict him. He looked rather picked over. Although the cause of his being on the ground was not clear, it was clear that his parents would no longer be in charge of his care, no matter how they may be squalking above us.
A Friend of ours, very compassionate with nature, came over and began feeding the little bird "smart water" thru a straw. The bird received the nurishment with NO problem. His beak opened wide, and often, to receive the love gift my friend offered to his little helpless self.
Our little friend now resides at our friend's home, where he will be well cared for until he can once again enjoy his FREEDOM, as God intended for him to have.
No matter what it was that prevented this bird from his safe place and compromised his future of living a healthy life.....GOD INTERVENED on his behalf....and love was applied so this bird can live to fulfill his God designed purpose.
I pray that my eyes will be as watchful and eager to help needy people, as I was to see the need in this little bird. I would not have known to offer the bird "smart water" and very likely he would have died under my care. But GOD doesnt ask us to do anything HE has not qualified us for. God provided by bringing a caring friend to my house.
I trust that none of us will walk by a hurting bird, or a hurting person....without doing for them, as God has equipped us. For some it will be a smile, a loving touch...providing them a safe home for a while, or leading them into Freedom.....but please just don't walk by.