My Birthday is this Friday- Feb 27.
I will be 64.
Now I must tell you, that sounds OLD to me.

Our Church has been reading through the Bible, studying and preaching on the Old Testament now for two years. Each Sunday I teach my adult DEAF Sunday school lesson from the reading assigned to us that week. Each Sunday Pastor (my hubby) preaches on the assigned reading in the morning and evening sermon, and I interpret them for the DEAF. Yesterday we did the Book of Amos.
Every week I am "preaching" hard at them like the prophets of old relentlessly preaching to the Israelites. God would give each prophet a strong message of what will happen if the people continue to worship idols and neglect HIM. God begs them to come back to HIM and HE will give them renewed Life. But the people over and over and over and over reject Him.
After weeks and months of this heavy "preaching" - God is really letting me have a glimpse of what it must have felt like to the Prophets and even to GOD.
Week after week I "preach" and get in their faces about: "Stop playing Church, fall in love with Jesus". and yet it FEELS LIKE the message falls on "Deaf Ears."
I told my husband and I am really tired of "preaching" this gloom and doom stuff! I cannot wait until the NEW TESTAMENT! My husband calmly said, "Now we have some idea of how frustrated the prophets must have been....and how GOD FEELS."

So when I was teaching on Amos yesterday, who was a Shepherd (may have had a sheltie dog or two ha ha), I began to more clearly understand what GOD was doing in my life.
God asked Hosea to marry a prostitute so he could experience what it felt like to love someone only to have them seek the love of another. God said, you will FEEL what I feel over and over as my people reject MY love.
Amos was just an ordinary man, working as a shepherd and a fig picker, when the LORD asked him to tell the same message of REPENT or ELSE!

The New Testament is coming!
Oh how we need a Savior!
Thank You, JESUS!