Sunday, November 11, 2007

We have to ASK!

I just got back from our Nursing Home ministry. What a JOY this ministry is. We have two teams. One goes to the assisted living section. The other team ministers in the Dementia unit. What a joy each are and yet so very different. I am the "StoryTeller" in both groups.

Since the Bible lesson today was from John 2, I brought in my wedding album. In the assisted Living section they really enjoyed looking at my pictures and talking about my wedding...then I went into the lesson how Jesus, his mother and some of the disciples were among the guests at a wedding in Cana. This is the first miracle Jesus did, and it is always a hard one to teach. As a good Baptist (smile) I would have preferred Jesus to change the water to milk, or punch or juice, but instead he didnt change the menu, he reproduced more of what they had run out of - wine. The Master of Ceremonies even described it as being the best wine ever.

Today as I was teaching, the Lord highlighted a different part of the account for me to see. Jesus didn't do anything, make any changes ,until someone had asked him to - which was his mom. But after his mom told Jesus about the problem, Jesus then intervened and saved the bride and bridegroom from embarrassment and shame.

So with us, when we get outselves into situations that would be embarrassing or shameful, situations where we cannot see the way out- IF WE GO TO GOD- He will intervene on our behalf- but he only uses what we offer him. He didnt bring in jars of wine, he used the empty jars that were already there. He used what was around him, what was already there, then he put the final touches on it- HIS touch that made all the difference!

I imagine myself being the servant and Jesus telling me to dip into the jar of water and give a cup to the master of ceremonies. I would be scared to death! I would possibly decline his request. I would for sure obey with fear and trembling afraid that the master of ceremonies would be upset when I handed him a cup of water. But Mary had told the servants to obey every word he said, and they obeyed....and they had the privilege of giving the Master of Ceremonies the biggest blessing and surprise he had that day!

So many times we have issues, and we just see the impossibility of it all. We are overwhelmed by our situation and cannot see the way out. . . .we may ask people to pray, we may say that we need to pray but so often we do not ACTUALLY PRAY. Oh how our lives would be different if we would just trust and obey! Jesus LOVES to restore what is gone from our lives, our marriages, our families, our finances, our health, etc. Jesus cares about us, BUT WE MUST TELL HIM and ASK HIM FOR HELP.

Jesus is worthy of our trust.

He will answer us, but we must tell him the situation and ask for his help. Then His touch will be life changing!

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

I just stopped by your blog and was blessed! Thanks for sharing all that the Lord is doing.

May He continue to work in you and through you.

All for Jesus,