We have a relatively new cat that has joined our household. Oh such fun our dog and cat have playing together. They are a delight to watch together. We enjoy both of them as part of our family. BUT lately the cat has started to ESCAPE when someone comes in or goes out. I mean there is no catching this cat, it ZIPS out faster than your body can move.
Now we have a pond behind our house where an alligator lives. WE also enjoy watching the alligator who most everyday suns himself on the bank about 50 feet across the pond from our home. He is easily seen and we enjoy watching him slither in and out of the water and tool around the pond. Now alligators like little animals. They like to eat little animals. We have tried to tell our cat that we are protecting him by insisting he stay inside the house where he has everything he needs.....yet still there is something inside this cat that wants to roam where he is not to roam. He wants to be out from under our protection for a few minutes a couple times a day. He never goes away for long and soon comes to the door meowing to come in. But the cat does not really understand what danger he is in. I am SURE the alligator now knows that a cat lives here, along with a little dog.
The other night, about 2:00AM our dog started to bark repeatedly. We both got up and turned on all the lights. We didn't SEE anything, but undoubtedly there was something there for our dog to carry on so. Th next morning there was a story on the news about a lady's dog that woke her up barking and to her surprise an alligator was in their yard. (It is mating season for alligators, so they are roaming). So perhaps our alligator was in our yard too in hopes that the cat would come out to play.
I think how similar itis to people, even Christians. We should be MORE than content with just being in the presence of God, His Word and being with His people- and yet how often we play around on enemy territory not really believing that we will ever be devoured, or caught. WE just want to enjoy both worlds or a season.
But one day we may be minus our cat. We hope he learns to be content and stayinside the house, where all of his needs are met, and he is well loved. But if he insists on sneaking out, he may pay the price and it would be our loss.
Oh I pray that I will stay miles away from the enemy's territory. I do not want to see how close I can get without getting caught. I want to stay cuddled up to my Savior, my Lord who is all that need. He meets my every need and HE adores me.
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