I wish I had a picture of our congregation as I teach the sign language segment on Sunday mornings. I am teaching them the chorus called, "He's Able".
It is such a JOY for me to watch out over the congregation and see all the HEARING people lifting their hands in praise to God and learning to put in expression too! I know the Deaf people LOVE this segment as well. It must warm their heart to see so many people making a real effort to learn their language in such a meaningful way.
These are the words of the chorus:
He's Able, He's Able
I KNOW He's Able
I Know my Lord is Able to Carry me Through
He's Able, He's Able.
I KNOW He's Able.
I Know my Lord is Able to Carry me Through.
He healed the broken hearted
And set the captives free
He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see.
He's Able. He's Able.
I KNOW, He's Able.
I know My Lord is Able to Carry me Through.
Most of the song is easy to sign, until you come to the verse, and then the syntax needs to be changed quite a bit. Today's lesson was "Set the Captives free". In sign language you must set the problem first so it can be resolved - so I taught them "captive" and explained the whys of the formation and emphasized the expression....then I taught them "SAVE" with explanation and expression emphasis.
Once hearing people understand the concept of visualization, they are able to grasp the understanding of why I am signing "two words" to a whole group of English words.
It is fun to teach, but MORE fun to watch them sign such great praise to our LORD JESUS!
I am so thankful that we have this segment in our morning Worship service. It is fun to ALL! It involves all ages and is a builder of communication between two cultures, two language groups of beautiful people who chose to worship together.
May God use this Sign Language Segment and multiply its efforts even more than I can imagine as only HE can do.
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