Sometimes it does not take much for us to feel BLESSED and loved.
Sometimes it does not take much for ME to feel BLESSED and loved.
Yesterday I had one of those simple gifts of love, by way of a simple note.
Every week I create, type, print and fold our Church bulletins. I also type up a LARGE FONT 'order of service' for the Pastor, Deaf Interpreter, Song Leader and Pianist and tape them at their place of ministry.
Our Church has been without a Pianist for about three years. We have used Sing-Along Cds for our congregational singing. Recently the LORD brought a very talented couple to visit our Church. She is a gifted classical pianist! She LOVES to play and plays joyfully for the LORD. She has been a JOY to our congregation. We value each week they are with us. [We are joining them in prayer that GOD will lead them to the Church of HIS choice. They would be welcomed in any Church.] We will just be thankful for every week they are with us.
ANYWAY....here is the "rest of the story":
Yesterday as I was picking up the Large Print 'Order of Service' papers from the four areas of ministry, I noticed a hand written note where I had put the 'order of service' for the Pianist. The Pianist had turned over the typed Order of Service and left me a note! The note said: "Thanks for posting the large bulletin here!"
See, I told you it was simple.......but sometimes we just need to know that our labor is not in vain, and that someone truly does appreciate the extra effort we put in.
To me, it was a powerful Christmas gift. It warmed my heart like sitting curled up in a blanket before a crackling fireplace. I felt loved, and yes appreciated. No one was even around when I received this Blessing. But tears still come just to remember the pleasure of that Simple Note.
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