I know that God has a sense of Humor....and I know that God can work thru anything that is surrendered to Him.
I am so thankful for the Word of God, and my strong inner desire to believe and obey as much as I know and can. There is a verse in the Bible that all Christians seem to know. I think it is because we ALL understand it, and we ALL need to believe it!
Here is the Verse:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13.
God taught me sign language when I was in 8th grade. I was floundering in who I was and where I wanted to go in life, or even why I was on earth. God gave me purpose and guidance, when HE, (in HIS great wisdom), introduced me to Deaf people.
AND YET....why would a good God give me a talent that openly, publicly displays perhaps the ugliest part of my body! I have short stubby fingers and two thumbs that look like lollipops!
When I was younger, I struggled occasionally with this. I remember asking God if I could wear gloves and be known as the "gloved Interpreter" - ha ha. I think HE laughed with me, as my next thought was how silly it looks for my stubby fingers to wear a glove - they RARELY ever fit! I have extra glove at the end of each fingertip!
When you know that GOD HIMSELF has given you something, it really is not too difficult to surrender to HIM. So thru the years, every opportunity I have, I put my two ugly short stubby fingered hands into the air and sign!
Isn't that true about all of us? Do not we all wonder how God can use US? Who are WE to be of any Kingdom use to an Almighty God? And yet, He loves us, adores us and LONGS for us to yield our body parts to Him.
He takes our offerings and creates something that brings great JOY to others, to the inside of me, and flows sweetly to my Lord and Savior.
Thank you Lord for my life, for Saving me, and for creating me exactly as you have. Forgive me for the times I have complained about my body and mind. I thank YOU for all you have done in my life......and Thank You for my stubby fingered hands. I raise them in YOUR name!