The first question that most people ask when they learn I am a Deaf Interpreter is: “When and why did you learn sign language?” Most of you know my story, but let me remind you of God’s great mercy.
I am the middle child of two very strong Christian parents. My older brother was overflowing with musical talent that got him lots of attention. My younger sister was just cute-cute…and then there was plain me. I was a Christian, but still had no reason to get up in the morning. There was nothing special or meaningful about my life…not a good place for a Junior High girl. I started to dabble in things that could have led me down a very destructive path. God looked down at this unhappy girl, who was very vulnerable, and gave her a Love Gift from His Heart!
When I was In 8th Grade, we had 8 deaf students come to our School. They sat in class with us, and had no interpreter. Some could lip read, but others struggled. As you know, teachers talk while writing on the board. No deaf person can lip read someone’s back. Something deep inside me stirred when I saw their eyes, their expressions, and knew they were missing information. I started writing down what the teacher was saying ‘to the board’. I also made sure they knew their homework assignments. That gesture of kindness started a friendship between us. I went to their homes and they came to mine. I WANTED to be able to talk to them, REALLY talk to them. AMAZINGLY, I learned sign quickly from them…outside of class of course. I loved them, and they loved me.
Years later, I realized the placement of those deaf students was a LOVE GIFT from God to ME!
That is the ONLY year we went to school together! I really believe God saved my life when HE brought those lovely deaf students to my school that year. He looked down at this vulnerable youth and caused me to fall in love with a beautiful group of people, and equipped me to talk to them!
Later, as I grew more in love with Jesus, HE helped me to understand that Deaf people need Jesus too. Who was going to tell them? I needed to do more than just bring them to Church. God had equipped my hands, and my heart, to share the GOOD NEWS with my deaf friends. There is no greater gift I can offer them, than to offer them JESUS!
Thank YOU Lord!
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