I am not proud of this confession, but I am also relatively sure that I am not alone in my tendency to daydream when I am reading the Scripture. I believe there is an enemy who does NOT want me to read God's word and he feeds numerous distractions to my mind that derail my thinking from the Word.
Every year I try AGAIN to read the Bible thru in a year. I try to read a different translation from the previous year, just to spark my own thinking from the variety of word selection.
It doesnt seem to matter what translation I choose, I have the same issue. It doesnt take long for my mind to wander, and I realize I have no idea what I just read. Makes me so angry at myself! I do not want to read, just to meet some personal goal, or check off a daily Bible reading....I truly want to KNOW God and His Word.
SO....I set up a plan of attack: When my mind wanders I make a mark on a sheet of paper beside me. Then I re-read what I just dreamed over. When my mind wanders again, I make another mark and once again re-read....hoping to get farther along each time. But in all honesty, and shame....my marks get pretty numerous.
When my reading for that day is completed, I do not shame myself with the marks. I do not tell myself how lousy of a Christian I am for not being able to concentrate on the Word of God. I don't self talk, or self blame or belittle myself......not anymore. [There was a day when I did.]
NOW I hold the list and ask God's forgiveness for my undisciplined mind, for my wayward thoughts, and ask Him to help me to be a better student of His Word, to have better concentration on what I am reading so my mind, heart and life can change to be more like Him. I use my "flaws" to be a time of confession before my Lord.....I need Him.
I am so thankful that God does not condemn me for my lack of perfection or even my faltering faith. God loves me.
I challenge you also, since you most likely have this same issue when you read your Bible. Use your faulty concentration on His Word to be a precious time to snuggle into the arms of your Savior and THANK HIM for meeting all of your needs....for you indeed are needy. I am indeed of NEED of Him.
Thank you Lord Jesus!