Thursday, January 12, 2012


This morning my husband and I were lazily, snuggling in...when we heard that familiar sound...the GARBAGE TRUCK. Immediately we went into action. We had deliberately NOT put out the garbage last night because we had alot of carpet pieces and we didn't want them to get rained on and thus be too heavy for the men to lift into the truck. We also had some smelly bags from cleaning out the frig and didn't want animals getting in to it over night. BUT we did not expect him SO EARLY! No matter how fast we moved, WE MISSED HIM!

My husband was able to load the carpet pieces into the car and track down the garbage truck. And we have a plan for the garbage bags to be picked up at another location. But I thought of how our tranquil morning was disrupted IMMEDIATELY at the sound of the Garbage Truck....and our negligance, our laziness, had caused us to MISS the garbage truck.

Now this is not nearly as tragic as it will be when the TRUMP sounds, Jesus calls His people to Himself and people are found still on earth. Well meaning people, Church going people, Good people....left behind. How sad that will be!

We missed the garbage Truck today.....but we will not miss the Rapture! When the trumpet sounds....Ken and I have our reservations securely made in the blood of Jesus Christ. We will be GONE in the twinkling of an eye!

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