Friday, July 13, 2012

We Encourage ourselves!

I have often wondered what it means when King David “encouraged himself in the LORD his God” (1 Sam. 30:6 KJV).   Me, like so many of us, mostly depend on other people to encourage us on those dark days when something has tipped our heart into sadness.  Lately I have been fighting depression over several things that have flown in my face. Yes I drink from the Word of God and I am THRILLED that His Word is FILLED and overflowing with Encouragement to my wounded soul. [I am fighting well and on the winning side, for sure.]

As I was thinking on this topic, the Lord reminded me of our recent trip to MI.  We took the car instead of the motorcycle, as we wanted our daughter to be able to go with us to see her brothers.  But as we were traveling the clouds were overhead and the rain began to pour.  It was hard for Ken to see the road clearly.  Ken in his chipper voice said, "Let's put on our yellow glasses!"  We use these on the motorcycle on cloudy days.  We put them on IN THE CAR, and it is amazing how everything brightens up!  It is like the SUN is shining, even though my mind KNOWS it is the yellow glasses that is bringing the sunshine into my vision. 

It was amazing how it brightened my mood as we continued down the road.  Soon the SUN did come out, and the glasses could be put away.

Sometimes we just need to ENCOURAGE least for a short time, until the SON penetrates our downcast soul and we can REJOICE in who we are and what we have in Christ!

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