Monday, April 14, 2014

Train Whistle at 4:30 AM

We live near an active railroad track. 

In the daytime I love to hear the rumble of the train tracks and the occasional sounds of it's whistle as it approaches an intersection.
 We cannot actually SEE the train for we are surrounded by trees and an orange grove.  But we get glimpses occasionally as we come down the road, and we are VERY AWARE the train is there.
When we first moved here, our dog would start barking, and we would run to the windows expecting to have a visitor.  After numerous disappointed peeks we learned he can hear the train going by, before we can hear it!  Our dog now is used to the sound and has stopped barking at it's approach.

The other night we were AWAKENED by the loud whistles of the train at 4:30 AM! 

 Not only once, but repeated whistles as if there was an intersection at every block!   It was quite unusual and definitely WOKE us up.

We don't know why the Conductor decided to blow the whistle that night, but it was alarming!
After a while, we both fell back asleep.
In the morning, while I was having my coffee with God. 

My thought was: 
"OH, I wish it had been the sound of The Trumpet! 
 Right now, I would be in the presence of my LORD........... SEEING what I believe! 

The Rapture will occur soon just that way.  When we least expect Him, Jesus will come to the clouds and call the Believers in Jesus up for a Grand Family Reunion!  No warning....just be prepared.  Be ready!
I am so very ready.   When I thought of how the train whistle startled us awake.  I found myself very home sick for Heaven, even though it is a place I have not yet seen.  I long for HOME.
I may never hear a train whistle the same way any more. 
  To me it will be a reminder of the TRUMPET that will someday soon call me away.  
MAYBE tonight, while we sleep,
 the TRUMPET will blow, instead of the train whistle!
When that happens, I will be GONE!   Gone from Earth!

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