Wednesday, April 25, 2007

9 years!

Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of my healing from a terrible mental illness that definately would have killed me by now, if GOD had not intervened. I know that for I was determined to die. I felt compelled to die. I was convinced my death would be a blessing and a major relief to my family- the best love gift I could give them. I seriously attempted suicide many times and each time AMAZINGLY (and to my GREAT disappointment) , I found myself alive. I was so deceived, I believed so many lies, I was so very miserable. I figured for some unknown reason to me, GOD wanted me to live.

I was the President of our Community Bipolar support group. Each day I spent major time on the computer gathering information to present to our group. I liked to teach about medication, play a group game, alittle humor and conclude with an encouraging article. One day as I was searching for material I came across WHOLE PERSON COUNSELING in San Angelo, TX. I emailed Dr Basil Frasure a simple question about Bipolar disorder, and he quickly replied. I sent him another email, at first being general in my questions, but then more personal and specific as I began to trust him. This man was a Biblical Counselor. I was a Christian by my own profession in Jesus Christ as Savior. I always knew that God had the power, but figured since I had never seen anyone healed, He surely would not heal me. Why should He? Who am I? I was hospitalized many times as I struggled with this illness. The doctors could not stabilize me no matter what dosage or medication change they would try. Even bilateral ECT treatments did not give me peace of mind. In April of 1998 I was once again hospitalized, my husband didnt know what to do for me.

Upon returning home from the hospital I overdosed again a couple days later. My husband didnt know what to do, but was now willing to go 'outside the box' for help. He asked me if I believed my condition had a spiritual base. I told him that I knew it had. He asked me what we do for it. I then told him that I had been emailing this Biblical Counselor in Texas (1400 miles away) and he once said that if we could ever make the trip to Texas he would rearrange all his clients and give me a full solid week of intensive counseling - some eight hours a day. My husband spent the next couple of hours reading articles from WHOLE PERSON COUNSELING website. He agreed with everything he read. He made a phone call to Dr Frasure and we were told to come immediately. My husband then went to our Church and asked if they could help financially. They were glad to use the benevolent fund for this purpose. (One of the best investments this church ever made- in my opinion (smile)

My husband sat in every session with me. I was not an easy counselee, but Dr Frasure stayed composed, calm and focused. He was very gentle and yet firm. He would pray often, which at first drove me nuts. I thought it was a tactic he used when he needed time to know what to do next. I later found out that he truly seeks wisdom from God, the Creator of my body and mind. Dr Frasure used the Bible from cover to cover making the Truth of the Word alive and applicable to ME. He gently led me through alot of forgivness and walked me through past hurts that brought me to a place I could listen not only to him, but to God myself.

At the end of that week, Dr Frasure prayed over us and I was healed. There is a wonderful story of how I KNOW I was healed, if you want to know can email me and ask! :)

ANYWAY all that to say: Yesterday when I woke up, my thoughts were of LIFE and energy flowed through my body to live each moment no matter what the day held. I thought how very different my thoughts were before I was healed. I would HATE to wake up and try to sleep as long as I could. I hated life and hated me. I am so very grateful to GOD who reached down in HIS love and mercy and healed ME.

April 24, 1998 the Lord healed me, gave me back my mind, my will, my life, my marriage and a FUTURE that is bright and beautiful.


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