Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Children's Ministry

My husband pastors a small struggling Church. The Lord sent us there to breathe LIFE back into this discouraged congregation. It is a hard work. Three steps forward, two back sort of ministry...but we remain faithful. We KNOW God can resurrect the dead, for HE did that in us.

The church did not have any children attending when we came less than two years ago. When my husband and I taught a Good News Club at our local elementary school last year, that was an amazing contact to MEET and start a friendly relationship with the children in the neighborhood of the Church. Now when we walk along the sidewalk, kids shout and wave. As a result of our first year of teaching, we had two boys come to Sunday school. But their parents did not come, even though the boys prayed Sunday after Sunday that they would come as a family. Each Sunday was precious with them as they knew NOTHING about the Bible. It was a JOY and a great responsibility to teach them about God. Then one day their family moved and they are gone.

We have had children come and go and they all come without parents and thus the committment cannot be there. It is too easy for them to join their parents who always tend to do something FUN on Sunday, their day off. So it has been a challenge indeed.

Yet I find myself full of faith and hope for this Church because I know the lost cause I was as a person. I have faith that more children will come and we will be prepared.

We entered a new 'Bible and Book' store today in Jacksonville, FL. I found myself walking to the children's department where I bought several small items to use as prizes when they win the review game, etc. My heart and mind are always rolling over into the children's area...and with that comes a prayer that GOD will bring them in. We will be ready when He does.

We know that GOD can do anything and everything. He loves people and we are ready to introduce young and old to HIM.

I trust you have a passion to introduce people of all ages to JESUS. He alone bring peace into the lives and minds of people.

Have a GREAT day in JESUS!

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