Our Vacation Vignette
Title: “Side to Side”
Amid the 4,613 miles I sat quietly behind my husband on our Goldwing, I was unable to look straight ahead unless I leaned to one side. All I could see straight ahead was the back of Ken’s helmet. I had to be content with seeing only what was on my left or my right. I did not have the advantage of seeing the road ahead of us, including any bumps that Ken was soon going to avoid, or bends in the road we would soon lean into. This may be why so many passengers decide to get a bike of their own, so they can know what is ahead. But I am very content riding behind my husband looking only to the left or the right. I have no major decisions to make, I just need to ride with the bike, trusting the driver. I feel life is a lot like that. We all WANT to know what is ahead of us, but rarely do we get advance warning of the bumps in the road. Contentment is something we learn when we realize we are NOT the driver of our life, so we best be content with trusting HIM and enjoy the ride. I trust my husband to watch the road for me, because he loves me. I trust my LORD with my life. He loves me and wants the best for me. I just need to ride along with Him, and enjoy the ride.
Proverbs 3:5,6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and HE shall direct thy paths.