RARELY do I remember what I dream, but I STILL remember a short dream I had the other night!
Hubby and I were at a large deaf event, like Deaf Expo, although I am not sure what it was. We were walking around and chatting with deaf people when I noticed a newly converted DEAF FRIEND of mine enthusiastically going up to deaf people and signing: "Are you saved?"
If they signed back "Yes", she smiled and gave them a hug. If they signed: "NO, and get out of here.", she quietly left them to go to the next. BUT IF THEY SIGNED: "I don't know what SAVED means" or " I hope so"....she would gently take them by the hand and lead them to us.
Holding the person's hand (my dream only showed woman to woman), she came up to me and said: Would you please explain to her what SAVED means.
This happened over and over. All the time we were there, I noticed this deaf friend, going around as if THAT was the whole reason she came to this Deaf event.
I had come to meet Deaf people.
She had come to lead them to Christ.
Oh that Christ might make me more of a soul winner. Oh, that Christ, would stir up the Deaf people to reach other Deaf people for Jesus. Oh, that my dream will become more of a reality!
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