Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shocked! Horrified! OH NO!

Last night I was SHOCKED,  ..............HORRIFIED, ...................................... MAJORLY DISAPPOINTED and KICKED myself over and over again.   I had not read  directions and in my ASSUMPTION, I was very wrong and things will never be the same!  No one's fault but my own!   The directions are CLEARLY printed on the label....but I did not read them......and into the washer went  the purple dress that belonged to my mom, that my sister recently gave me to enjoy.

I wore this dress to Church last Sunday and even though it felt big, it felt wonderful to be wrapped in my mom's dress.   It was deep purple so a nice Interpreting color for me to wear.

I came home and put it in the laundry basket.

Yesterday I gathered all the darks and into the washer they went.  When I lifted the lid to put them into the dryer I was HORRIFIED at the sight of my mom's purple dress!  It now was much shorter and the shape was different.  
I took it out and in my emotions I pulled and tugged and hoped somehow the dress would magically forgive me and return to its shape.
Odd how I also thought:  "Forgive me mom, I know you taught me to read directions."
The reality was and remains:  my mom's dress, that I wore once, entrusted to me from my sister, is now a mess and unwearable.  My lack of reading the directions, will separate us forever.  Never again will I be wrapped in this particular dress of mom's.  There is sadness in that for me.
Just when I thought the worse of my SELF ANGER had subsided, I went to put away the clothes that had been washed with that dress and then dried.   YES, indeed you guessed it, some of my tops now have purple stains on them!   Not only did I ruin mom's dress, but I ruined some of my favorite tops!
Those stained tops are NOW in the washer, in hopes that once again magically the stains will release and give me back my tops!   But I may have to loose some tops as a result of my laziness to read!
My mom WELL taught me to learn something spiritual from each situation.  I thought of how people everyday ASSUME that they are saved, ASSUME that God would never allow them to go to Hell, ASSUME that their Church attendance will get them to Heaven, ASSUME because they are "better" than many people God will have mercy on their souls.   YET THE BIBLE is clear.   Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven, thru faith in HIM and repentance of your sins. 
As awful as I feel about ruining my mom's dress (who is in Heaven therefore anything she wore or touched is earthly precious to me), and ruining a few other tops, it is nothing compared to the price many will pay for not reading THE BOOK.
As SHOCKED as I was when I lifted the tinier version of my mom's dress out of the washer is nothing compared to some people who will die and wake up to eternal punishment.  There is DANGER is assuming.
  READ the Bible and be SURE that when you die, you will wake up in Heaven.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Our daughter's 38th birthday is tomorrow! 
My mind is already rewinding to that happy day.

   Seems like yesterday in many ways, and yet as I look in the mirror or look at her adult self, I am very aware that time has moved along. 

The last several years, I have sent my four children pictures of themselves on their birthdays, using email or facebook.    It is my simple way of reminding them of who they are.  Reminding them that they WERE loved, ARE loved and WILL ALWAYS be loved. Reminding them we are FAMILY!
As you can see in the picture our daughter was indeed born.

I have no problem with seeing "Jesus" as a baby over and over at Christmas time as we celebrate the day He was born.   We see  drawings, paintings, sculptures of baby Jesus on Christmas cards, in yards,  and a variety of places during the Christmas season. We hear the name of JESUS and  the Biblical account of His birth played musically over and over in stores while we shop, churches where we worship, and radio stations as we travel in our vehicles.  We are reminded LOUDLY, CLEARLY of WHY Jesus came.  Every year Christmas brings our minds back to the stable where Jesus began his walk among us, which led to the Cross, the tomb, and beyond. 

Remembering is GOOD for all of us.  It brings us back to the beginning and gives us a renewed view of the present, and reminds us of our eternal LIFE if we trust in Jesus.

Of course Jesus did not STAY a baby! 

 It would have been very sad if my daughter had been born, only to stay a baby.  So we cannot keep Jesus as an infant forever.  He GREW to become our Savior!

Some people get all 'out of joint' about the fact that  December 25 is not the actual day of his birth.  We do not know the ACTUAL day of His Birth, but we KNOW he was born!  

Once again, I do not have a problem with that.

For instance, I do not know the exact date of my salvation.  I know I was 4 1/2 years old when I questioned my mom, who explained the plan of salvation again to me and I believed!   Yet all these years I have not had a DATE to cling to for my salvation like so many people have.   In fact when I lead someone to the LORD, I make a fuss over writing that date in their Bible so they have record to SHOW of the day they made their life changing decision.   I know for sure that on a real day, I became a child of God.

So we do not know the exact DATE of the birth of our Lord,
but that does not mean he was not born. 
 I am thankful that a day was selected for us to celebrate. 
 I often had wished long ago I had just picked a date to celebrate my salvation, but I did not. 
 Now at 62, I  try  to celebrate everyday my relationship with Christ.

So of course as Christians, we should celebrate CHRIST everyday of our life, not only at Christmas.

We must not  leave Jesus in the manger...but  celebrate Jesus fully thru Easter,
 where we commemorate His Death and Resurrection! 
We need to celebrate who He is, why He came, and what He accomplished for us!

So as you see more and more pictures of  The Christ Child.....remember that is his earthly start....He grew up to pay for your sins and become your Savior.

 I celebrate my 38 year old daughter on her birthday as the adult she is.
I remember her birth fondly with pictures, for her birth (like all births) was a miracle.
I celebrate JESUS CHRIST, no longer a baby...but on the right hand of His Father making intercession for us.   He is my Savior and my LORD.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Hubby, daughter and I went to the Church to decorate for Christmas
As we entered, we were hit with an AWFUL odor coming from the kitchen.   Hubby knew that it needed quick attention if there was to be any chance of getting the smell away by Sunday.  He had to find the cause of the odor.
 My daughter and I gladly headed to the Sanctuary and closed the door where we began to decorate.  
My hubby, tugged, pushed and moved everything around in the kitchen to find the critter that had caused so much sensual awareness by his death.  After much investigation, the critter was found. Apparently, he had been having a BLAST in his last few hours of life. 
So the cause of the problem was found, now for the clean up.   If he had only found the cause, and not continued on with the next step, our Church would have had a SHORT service on Sunday!
He continued now to gather the clean up tools and took care of what he had seen.  BUT the odor seemed to still be present.  So he decided to call a Trustee to come help him look.   The trustee said he would be right  over (love that attitude!).  Together they looked in every nook and cranny, but found no other signs of death.
The spraying then began and putting the kitchen back in order.   By the time we left the Church tonight, the odor was indeed on its way out.
It is EASY to smell a dead animal - it is not easy to know they are there when they are alive.  But when they die, they cannot find their presence!
LORD, I pray that YOU will help us to be aware of "sneaky critters" that come into our Church with an agenda to destroy our Church, or shame the name of Jesus.   Help us not to be blinded by their nice outside look.  Protect us Lord, and keep us alert to any invasion against the Truth that may creep into our Church ...or into our individual minds.  We want our Church to have a SWEET AROMA of your love.  We want people to be DRAWN to You, not run away from us.   Help us Lord to be on Guard for any evil invasion.  We desire our lives, our minds, our conversation, our behavior, our marriages, our Church, to honor YOU in everything we do.   Thank You Lord for Your AMAZING GRACE toward us.

Friday, November 22, 2013

My Shattered Plate

How well we know the statement:  "I have a lot on my plate." 

Well, recently my plate became so full that I dropped it and it shattered.  I am not proud of the way I feel, nor am I proud of my dysfunction. I currently want to stay home and avoid all people.  I currently do not want to make ONE more decision.  Currently, I am cranky!  All this is not my normal, but it is my current reality.

 I am proud that I know my Maker, my Savior, the Lover of my Soul, the Potter of my clay, and the healer of my broken heart.  I know Him by name.  I know Him by faith! ........and HE KNOWS ME!

I have walked lonely valleys before.  I have walked scary dark paths before.  And each time when I realize I am on such a path, I start asking God:  What can I learn from this?  Teach me!!!  I don't want this "down, shelf time" to be a total waste.  Take this mess and  build within me to become a stronger messenger.

I am also aware that although I "hate" what I am currently feeling and will pass as I lay quietly before the Great Physician. I tend to lay still,  get up and run, lay still, get up and run - a cycle that slows the healing process for sure.   So it is not the Great Physician's fault, it is mine.   I need to surrender to His Healing Touch.  I am a stubborn one at times!

I am also very aware that I am not the only human being, or the only Christian, feeling beaten down and discouraged today.  Although that fact does not comfort me, it puts ME into a more proper perspective so the big "I"  lessens in prominence in the sea of others with equal needs. 

I pray, when I come back to my senses, that I will remember what this FEELS like, and how it does not just GO AWAY , even with prayer and Bible Reading.  Although the greatest comfort so far has been to lay on my bed and listen to the entire book of Romans on CD.  I stayed quietly on the bed the entire time, and gave God my undivided attention.   But I am still trying to function, so cannot lay prone on my bed all day.  God is still there, but somehow when I am on my feet (so to speak) my head is too noisy with "plate pieces" to be still.

I pray that when I come back to my senses, I will be a better Counselor, a better friend, a better Christian, a better person.   For I am clearly aware that my coming back, will be GOD.  I give HIM the keys to every room of my heart, even where the hammer that broke the plate may be hiding.

Most days, God gives me a song before I get out of bed.  
This morning He used a friend on FB to give it to me:

He's Able, He's Able, I KNOW He's Able,
I know my Lord is able to carry me through!
He's Able!  He's Able!  I KNOW He's Able!
I know my Lord is able to carry me through!
He healed the broken hearted, and set the captive free.
He made the lame to walk again, and He caused the blind to see.
He's able!  He's able!  I know He's able.
I know my Lord is able to carry me through!
Perhaps by the end of this day, I will be FREE and JOYFUL again.  
I would sure like that!
Sunday is coming, and I want to WORSHIP HIM and serve HIM in JOY!
My life verse has always been John 3:30
   "HE must increase, but I must decrease."
NLT:  "He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less."
Thank You Lord ..that YOU are the GOD in the Mountain top experiences, when my life is all sunshine, and You are my Lord when all I see around me is scary darkness and limited light.   I trust You Lord.  
Heavenly Father, I am SURE I am more use to You when my head is straight, my feelings are not all over the place, my words are not sharp, and my smile is back.  So Father I ask that YOU will lead me quickly thru this valley and into YOUR sunshine.   Help anyone else who may be reading this post, and feeling similar.   Lord, I need, I want, YOUR healing in my life.   Heal me, Your daughter.  Heal your sick children.  In Your precious and powerful name I pray, amen. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013


We had a NEW experience today.   As we were about to pull out of the church parking lot, we noticed someone's vehicle still there.  We thought perhaps this person had gone with someone else for the afternoon and left his vehicle there.   Decided we better check out the Church to be sure we didn't just lock someone in.   As we approached the main entrance, we heard something inside.   My hubby unlocked the door and sure enough a man was sitting in the pew just reading his Bible.  He had every intention of staying in the building in our absence.  


Remember the days, not too long ago, when we NEVER locked a church door,  people were free to come in and pray as they wanted to.  BUT things have changed, and we (like other Churches) lock our doors to keep from being broken into.   For a moment in time, we both wished we lived back there a few years ago.   He appeared to be innocently content, sitting in a pew, reading a Bible.  BUT we do not know the man very well, so we know we could not let him just stay in the Church building all afternoon by himself.


How do you tell a man who is reading the Bible, to stop and depart the Church because the service hours are over and no one will be here????  Do you hear the tug-of-war in our hearts?   We both felt so "legalistic" at saying, he could not stay in the Church building....and yet we knew for safety of our Church, this had to be said.


We approached the man and told him he would have to leave the building since no one will be here until evening Church.  He talked about a waste of AC, that he could benefit from if he were here.   We told him, we just could not allow him to be here.   We did not know him well enough, to allow that.   He said, "Do you think I am going to steal something?"   Now I  am suspicious when someone brings up something like that on their own...but we just repeated, that we could not leave him alone in the Church building , he would have to leave.


He reluctantly got up....put the Bible back in the pew where he had found it, and slowly headed for the door.   Why did our insides churn at this assignment?  Is it because we spend so much time praying that people will come IN thru those doors, and now we are actually telling someone he has to leave.  Such talk goes against who we are at heart, and yet the safety of the Church is also our responsibility.  This was very hard on my husband (who is the Pastor) and I. 


I remember back in "my yesterdays" - when I struggled with mental illness - there was MUCH comfort in sitting in a Church building.  In fact twice I drove to Marquette to attend the church my Psychiatrist attended....just to feel safe and in the presence of the two powers I felt held my key to wholeness: God and my Psychiatrist.   There is safety and comfort, in just being in a sanctuary when the Church is filled with the power of God, like ours is.   Our services are bathed in the love of God's presence, so the Building itself is peaceful and a feeling of safety is there.  So I could identify with his feeling of wanting to just SIT in the church building and feel SAFE for a couple hours.


But the bottom line was, we really don't know him.  The safety of the entire Church is utmost in our position as Clergy.  He had already enjoyed the sweetness of God's presence, the Joy of our fellowship and the good food of our potluck.  So we knew he had already been ministered to.   We were not sending him out spiritually, emotionally or physically destitute.


Yes it was a very awkward moment in time, the kind we hope never to repeat....and yet we REJOICE that  someone wanted to "camp out" in our Church building because he felt safe and loved here.   May the LORD bring in people who need safety, spiritual food and LOVE.....but keep us as leaders strong to protect the Church at such vulnerable, awkward moments. I am so thankful that my husband felt he needed to "check" instead of "assume" that this person was spending the afternoon with someone else.   Thank you LORD for watching over us and giving us the strength we needed.


LORD, I pray for this man who was wanting to rest in our sanctuary the building that we call "Church".  Thank YOU that he felt it was a safe place, an inviting place to spend an afternoon, and a quiet place to read the Bible.  Please give him understanding as to why we had to take that action today.  Please do not allow him to entertain anger against us.   Father, work in his heart, meet his needs and help him to be all he can be for YOU.  Thank YOU, Lord Jesus!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Deaf Ministry Interview

I was asked to give an interview today concerning

the Deaf Ministry at our Church. 

The Interviewer is currently a Baptist seminary student doing a research project on special needs ministries.  She  came across an article about our church having a deaf ministry. This immediately grabbed her attention because she is certified in ASL and loves the deaf culture.  I asked her if the Interview could be done over email. She agreed, so now I can share with you her questions and my answers.    I trust the LORD will use this to challenge your own thinking about Deaf Ministry.

What all does your deaf ministry entail?  
 Most of our congregation would say, My involvement in deaf ministry entails teaching a Deaf Sunday school class, interpreting the entire morning service, interpreting the entire evening service and, interpreting half the session on Wednesday night and teaching Deaf Bible class the other half. 
Of course you know that each of the above requires many hours of preparation so that I am prepared in my heart to share God's Word and lead them in Praises to God. 
It also means I am a phone call away, a text away or a visit away for any of them.  I interpret outside the Church as well as inside the Church. I interpret weddings and funerals along side my husband, who is the Pastor.  That means I am available for Doctor appointments, hospitalization, job interviews, etc.   I counsel if and when necessary also.  It requires that I follow strict confidentiality outside of the church, but have taught them we are FAMILY in the Church so often talk about issues as they come up.  They practice problem solving and learn to apply Scripture to their everyday life. 
I try and teach our congregation sign language, as well as deaf culture, via a song most every month.  Our deaf congregation is very active, although none are church members....yet.  We often have deaf men take up the offering.   Deaf provide special music.  We have a Deaf person sign a Bible verse or two every Sunday that goes along with the hymn we just sang.  The deaf ministry entered a Christmas float last year, and hopes to do that again this year.  OH and the Deaf want their children to learn proper sign, so they stand by me and I call them my "junior interpreters".  They  have gotten ALOT better in their signing and confidence...and the parents BEAM with pride.


How did your Deaf ministry begin?

Soon after taking the Church in Sebring, I walked into a store and I saw hands flying everywhere.  I entered their conversation, introduced myself, etc.  LATER as I went thru a deaf man's line, he THANKED me for "saving him" from the Jehovah Witnesses who were trying to FORCE him to go to their special meetings.  He said when I came up, they thought I was a new possible convert and they turned their attention to me.  I asked him where he went to Church.  He said, he and his wife go once in a while to a deaf church in Orlando.   I told him that was great, but if he ever wanted to attend a local church (when did not have the gas etc) that I would be happy to interpret for he and his wife.  I explained my husband has just taken a small church and gave him the name and directions.  The conversation was short and sweet as we were at the check out counter.

FOURTEEN MONTHS later he and his wife walked into our church...they sat in the back and looked around....not seeing me.  He tapped the lady ahead of him and said  "Where is Bonnie?"   She went back to where I was teaching the children.   I have been interpreting almost every week since that time.   This particular man, and his wife, have recently moved to New York.

GOD started our Deaf Ministry.  I was simply willing and available.


What are some of the challenges you face in your ministry and how do you overcome those challenges? 


There are challenges in every ministry, for they all involve people with different personalities, expectations and a variety of spiritual understanding.  
 The Deaf ministry here in FL is different because not only are they deaf, but they are from various countries.  A few speak several languages! So our deaf congregational signs vary and it is fun for me to learn and remember the various signs. 
They also vary in educational backgrounds.  Some went to Deaf school and are fluent in ASL, some were mainstreamed or in segregated rooms for the Deaf or Hearing Challenged.  Some speak fluent ASL (a language of its own), some use a relaxed form of  signed English, and some combine the two by using classifiers but still English structure (I call that pidgin).  Some are MUTE, some speak rather clearly, some speak loud and some hard to understand.  My philosophy is: I usually sign according to who is watching me the most!  :)  I change back and forth during a sermon depending on their attention, this also helps everyone to be able to understand at their level without being overwhelmed. 
My greatest challenge is always to understand them when they sign.  Because I personally had not met another hearing signer for FIVE years after I learned to sign, I had no clue that I was suppose to voice proper English while I signed.  This is still my greatest struggle because although I understand them most of the time, it is often hard for me to find appropriate English words in real time.  But God is faithful to help me.   We have a segment in our Sunday morning Service where the people can raise their hands and give a Praise report or share a prayer request.   STILL...after all these years (learned it in middle school and am now 62) my heart still races when I see one of their hands in the air. Every Sunday a hand (or five hands)....will go up in the air!   IT has been very stretching for me and I am grateful for the exercise of my weakness.  SILLY.....because God is faithful!

One challenge we are working on:  When a deaf person rises their hand to share in the front row, the deaf person in the fourth row cannot see what they are saying because I AM VOICING, not signing.   SO the deaf suggested that when a deaf person raises their hand, another deaf person will come stand my me.  He/she will copy the deaf person's signs so that all the deaf can understand, and then I am free to VOICE for the hearing.  So far this seems to be working well.

How do you feel the church in general respond to those who are deaf? 

When the deaf ministry first started, the attendance of deaf was not every service or every week, so we took opportunities to teach the hearing people about deaf culture and language, etc.  I believe this church is AMAZING with the deaf!   I have been in MANY deaf ministries in my life, and this church FAR exceeds in their love and acceptance.  HUGS are freely given across the aisle. {The Deaf can sit anywhere they want, but they CHOOSE to sit together on the side of the Church where I stand.} Our deaf HELP out our hearing because our hearing is mostly a senior citizen congregation, and the deaf are all young families. So the Deaf do a lot of home projects for our hearing. At Potlucks (almost every Sunday) the Deaf are in the kitchen washing the silverware and pots, or sweeping the floor! I applaud the hearing congregation as often as I can for the way they love the deaf people. I applaud the deaf congregation as often as I can for the way they love the hearing people. And in all of that LOVE, God is pleased, honored and glorified!


What are some things that you have learned through this ministry that you would find important to someone else starting a ministry similar to yours? 
Be sure you love deaf people MORE than their language.  Be sure to LOVE the people before Church, during Church and after Church.   Find creative ways to involve the Deaf in the church, not just come, sit and exit.   Always remember you are using their language.  We are honored to be able to use their language.  When they correct your sign, THANK THEM, and try your best to adapt to their sign, even if your sign seems to make more sense.  Be sure to pray for each of them....OFTEN.  The ministry is the LORD' is just an honor to be called of God, equipped by God, to share God's Word with deaf people. Always be a student of the WORD OF GOD and a student of SIGN LANGUAGE. Be Real with them. Love them, and watch God work!!!


What is the biggest joy or blessing that you receive by working in this ministry? 


To watch them Grow in the Lord.  Recently while sharing how we should not be unequally yoked in marriage, a lady's eyes welled up with tears and she said "I did not know that!".  I was able to tell her that God knew she was not aware of that, and HE protected her by having her husband's heart bow to Jesus.  Now they are a beautiful Christian couple.   Then she said:  "But now that I know, I need to teach this to my children."   Now there is some spiritual growth!   There has been many similar blessings lately that keep my hands shouting AMEN, instead of feeling fatigue.

Another blessing is the JOY of standing next to my husband who is the Pastor.  I have enjoyed watching him grow in the Lord over the years, and it is a thrill to be at his side, to serve God as a Team, in ministry.

HA-HA...another JOY is that this Baptist lady can be as charismatic as she wants to be and no one criticizes her joyful movements, or thinks they are inappropriate,  because they just think it is the way all Interpreters sign! Sign language has deepened my worship and I will be forever grateful to God for teaching me this language.  Sign language is the avenue where all that is within me, can be seen on the outside!  I am ever grateful.



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Walk to End Alzheimer's

The terrible disease,  called 
ALZHEIMERS, has touched my life via several dear friends in our Church.  Breaks my heart to watch them change before my eyes.  Equally breaks my heart to know the extra hard load their spouses have to care for them daily as they also watch their loved one change before their eyes.   What heartache.  

As a result of these dear folks, I was recently doing an internet search on the disease and learned that our city was having a "Walk to End Alzheimers".   With only three days before the event I was not sure I could join it, but found out that I could!   I knew I would not be able to bring in much revenue, but WANTED to represent these dear loved ones in some kind of ACTION.  So I did walk....and was thrilled to raise $70.00 towards the study of Alzheimers in those three days.

Several people mentioned they would be VERY interested in walking WITH me next year, so hopefully we can have a TEAM to walk on behalf of the many precious loved ones suffering from this disease.

Because I was an "individual" walking, I decided to bring along my "Granny Puppet".  Granny has gotten lots of hugs from nursing home residents as our Church group called "Hands of Faith" ministers in various facilities in the winter.  "Granny" indeed  drew attention and allowed me to share about our church ministry to bring JOY and JESUS to those struggling with old age and Alzheimers in particular.

I try to spend as much time as I can with a lady friend who struggles with memory loss.  I am aware how this allows her husband to do some much needed tasks that he otherwise has a hard time accomplishing.  Two weeks ago I tried to play CHECKERS with my friend, but she truly had NO CLUE how to play any longer, and yet she used to beat her every competitor.   This week I tried a new game:  MEMORY, and she surprised me how very well she could play that game!   I was elated! 

 As I was thinking about this couple, the radio was playing the song : "I WILL BE HERE"....and I am thinking this Steven Curtis Chapman song could be the theme song of my friend's spouse.  Day after day he graciously sees past the disease to the woman he has always cherished and will until "Death us do part."  

He truly lays down his life. 
He truly loves her like Christ loves the Church. 

[Lord Jesus, I ask YOU to bless all the caregivers who do their best day after day to care for their loved one who is changing and disappearing before their eyes everyday.   Lord Jesus,  please help people to find a cure for this disease that steals so much from us.  Lord Jesus, raise up young people who will love their spouses to the end, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, etc.  Lord Jesus, help Your Church to truly LOVE people......all people.  Give us Your heart, Lord. Thank You, Lord]

"I Will Be Here"
Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I... I will be here
If in the dark we lose sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fear
'Cause I... I will be here

I will be here
When you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind
I will listen
And I will be here
When the laughter turns to crying
Through the winning, losing and trying
We'll be together
'Cause I will be here

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I... I will be here
As sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for years
So I... I will be here

I will be here
And you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older
I will hold you
And I will be here
To watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here, hmmm

I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me

And just as sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for years
So I... I will be here
We'll be together
I will be here

Thursday, October 3, 2013


I must admit: 

I am not the world's best cook....yet I do not like to waste things....oh and we are vegetarian.  

SO here was my issue:  

My sister told me about a bean veggie soup mix to buy that had no sodium  in it and she and her husband had really liked it.   So while at the store, I phoned her for further guidance to be sure I was getting the RIGHT soup mix.  She said she had added more water than it had called for and even added a few cut up potatoes and carrots to make it more hearty.

SO....I emptied the soup mix into the crockpot, put in a lot of water and added some cut up potatoes.  The directions said to bring to a boil, then to let it simmer for some time.   SO I put it on high for about an hour and then on low.   SOUNDS GOOD, HEY?

Well when it was time to eat, I had the shock of my life!

The crockpot was not only full to the top but DENSE, there was no more liquid to be seen! 
So much for the SOUP idea.  I called my sister and she informed me she only used a CUP of the soup mix where I had put in the entire bag!  ( I KNOW, Bonnie read the directions!)

I refuse to just sit and condemn myself which my insides were standing up wanting to do.  I told those condemning inner voices to "SIT DOWN, that all would be well".

I set a pretty table and served this to my hungry hubby along with fresh rolls.  I even confessed and told him it was suppose to be soup.  He said,  "I would rather eat supper with a fork, than a spoon anyway."  (I married a great guy, hey?)  He proceeded to tell me he REALLY  LIKED it!    It was all I could do to get it down.  It looked like mush to me.  But he truly ate a couple of helpings and said again, "I really did like it."

WELL.....there was quite abit left over.   What do I do now?

I took the mushy yucky, BUT HEALTHY bean concoction and spooned them into  two small meatloaf pans.  One went into the frig and one into the freezer.

TONIGHT we have a guest for supper.   YEP.....I decided on the new meat-less dish!

I took the solid block of "whatever" out of the fridge and cut it up like slices of "meatloaf".  I put in a iron skillet and covered the whole thing with mushroom soup (water added).  Then I let is simmer while the baked potatoes and mixed veggies were cooking.  

I cautiously (but confidently - sort of)  put all of this on our table before my hubby, myself and our guest.    I even told our guest the story.

My hubby and our guest devoured the entire pan.  They said they both LOVED IT!   I graciously let them enjoy the whole pan, while I chose to eat all the other items. lol

I am not sure if I made a fabulous dish from a big blunder, or if these two men are just extra  sweet.

Bet you all want to come to dinner now at my house, hey?  


But I do know that God can take a blunder of a person and create a miracle,
and I am made in HIS image!  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don't be BRAIN dead!

2 Timothy 2: 15  (KJV)

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

When recently asking my Sunday school why we read our Bibles, why we come to Church, why we come to Sunday school.....all I heard was shallow answers like, " It is good for us".

The Lord reminded me of something I had purchased at least a year ago at a Dollar Tree.  It was alittle "brain" that you put in water and it grows.  Similar to the zillions of things you can buy like that....but this was a human brain shape.

I took it to class.  I took a wide glass vase and taped the above verse on the outside of the vase.  I explained that this was our brain before coming to Church or before reading your Bible.  We HAD a brain, but spiritually it was dead. 

When we become SAVED, our spiritual brain (our soul) can grow, learn how to live Life God's way.

We measured the brain it was FOUR INCHES all around.

I explained the reason we come to Church, Sunday school and read our Bibles is to GROW in our knowledge of who HE is, who WE are in Christ, and how the two together can make life here enjoyable until we get to Heaven.

I placed the "brain" into the vase of water.   How we wait to see how it grows before we meet back together.

The next week it was  ALMOST ELEVEN inches around!  When we saturate ourselves in the Word of God we grow.  My students seemed to now be getting the message.  They agreed they want to GROW spiritually.

I then told them, let's take the "brain" out of the water now and see what happens if we go one week WITHOUT reading our Bible or Miss ONE Sunday.

The next week the brain had shrunk to NINE INCHES.  We talked about how we often think or say : "One week missing church won't hurt me" or "One week without reading the Bible is no big deal."  but it DOES effect us.

We let it dry another week and it continued to shrivel.  Still not back to it's original size.

We could SEE that THIS brain needed water to grow, like we need the Word of God to grow spiritually.

It was a fun Lesson. Halloween time is a good time to find these brains for sale.

2 Timothy 2: 15  (CEV)
15 Do your best to win God’s approval as a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed and who teaches only the true message.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Today has been a really hard day....emotionally.  Just seemed like LIONS were ROARING in every direction today.  I will try and share one example:

I had been giving a nursing home resident a roll of quarters every time I visit her facility.  It started quite a while ago, just a special something between she and I.  I thought nothing of it until two weeks ago, in general conversation, I shared that quarter tradition with a staff member.  She gave me a facial expression like : "That is probably not a good thing to do."   That is truly the first time I had even thought about it being right, fair or proper.  But I felt that day that WISDOM had been imparted to me, and I knew that the tradition would have to stop.

Today upon entering the facility where she stays, she was waiting for me just inside the door.  she called me over and whispered:  "Are you going to give me something today?"   I looked into her eyes and said, "No I am not."  She gave me a smirk and turned her head, and I responded by saying:  "Do you not love me anymore, because I am not giving you money?"   She answered:  "I don't know" and turned her head.  

WOW.....I love the honesty BUT  honesty sure can sure be painful!

It was obvious that I had been BUYING her friendship, she did not love me for who I am, she loved me for what I give her! 

VERY PAINFUL to have that kind of personal rejection.   I was thankful for the wisdom in stopping the tradition.

In a few minutes I came back to her area, and asked her if she was coming to church today.  She had tears in her eyes and said :" I am sorry, I am sorry."  We hugged.

I thought all was well, and my heart was beaming to think she really did love me.




She never did come into Church....and she was not around when I left.  No goodbyes today.

So now I do not know how she really feels about me.  It would have meant alot to me if after this dialogue she came to church as she usually does.  But she didn't.

NOW it is my turn to ask myself:  Do I love her just because she comes to Church?
Not sure what the honest answer was up until this point in time.

BUT I know at this moment.....I love her more than ever.
I hope to see her again, and trust we will HUG and love one another expecting nothing from each other except honest love.

   GOD is the one who healed my broken heart in THIS incident today.  In all honesty, I am glad this day is about over.  I am glad to be home with just my hubby whom I know loves me, even when I say or do dumb things.  I am secure in my husband's love for me.

I am secure in my relationship with my LORD as well.  Even though my heart was broken and crushed many times today, I knew that my emotional state was stable and safe.  I was not going to fall apart even though the pain was wrenching.   My Lord is my heart Doctor.  He is faithful to love on me, even in my failures.  

I am so thankful to be a Christian!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I am NOT a machine!

Today's Blog I just want to Thank God!

I learned sign language because I wanted to be a real friend to deaf people.  I did NOT learn sign language so I could be an interpreter.  But since I am hearing, it comes with the knowledge of signing.  I would be very content just sitting next to them, among them, being part of them rather than standing up front.....yet God let me know many years ago, that HE taught me sign languge  and that there were MANY deaf people who did not know about Jesus dying for them.  Go ye into all the world....and for me, it was into the Deaf world.   I was THRILLED to be in the deaf world, so I am VERY comfortable around deaf people, yet I surrender my "INTERPRETING" to Him regularly. 

One thing we "learn" as Interpreters is to process what is being said but not to retain it, so when the deaf person asks us a question, we can honestly say we do not know, and they learn to direct their questions to the doctor, instructor, etc and not bombard us with questions when we get out of the situation.  We are trained to be "machines" if you will.  We are not to become bonded or personally attached to our "Deaf clients" lest they take advantage of our interpreting skills. We are trained to process everything correctly, but not to retain it.

When God suggested I interpret in Church, I told him basically NO because it was my Church service too!  Sunday was my worship day and I did not want to be a machine and then when the day was heart was empty.   He just quietly reminded me that HE is the one who taught me.  I asked God if He would allow me to take the sermon to heart myself, even though, I was interpreting.  I did not want to be a machine on Sunday.  I needed and WANTED to worship my Lord Jesus on the day HE has asked us to worship Him.  

I am here to testify that GOD indeed answered that prayer.  I am so thankful that even though I am listening to english and signing in ASL.....I am not a machine on Sunday.   The precious Holy Spirit grips my heart, moves deeply within me just as if I was sitting in the pew.   I am ever so Thankful for this gift the Lord has graciously bestowed upon me.

The only thing I have not figured out yet, is HOW do I go forward and kneel at the altar when I need to interpret.  That happened this morning.   I told God that my heart is at the Altar, and He hugged me with HIS approval.  Faithful to the task before me, yet Faithful to the Holy Spirit within.   I am every grateful that I am not an Interpreting machine on Sundays!

Thank you Lord Jesus!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Protection on the Road Today

1.    We went for a motorcyle ride today with another couple.  Our bike was in the lead.  Three lanes of traffic was slowing down for a red light when the driver in the RIGHT lane decided she needed to make a left turn without warning she came in front of us and tried to continue to get into the left turn lane, but it was already occupied.  She ended up straddling the line between our lane and the turn lane, which gave Ken a little space to keep the bike up and manuever into it safely.  It was quite the move the lady made - totally BLIND to anyone else on the road!

After Ken knew we were safe, he said something like:  "Whew, I can feel my heart!"

So thankful that even though we were in the lead of bikes, we were not in total leadership.  Our Lord was watching over us today and protected all of us in this incident.


2.  On this same day, Hubby was again in the lead......when a raccoon decided to meander across the road.  (What is he doing out in the day time?)  Ken knew we could hit it and be safe, but we were pulling a trailer and Ken did not know how the trailer would react.  So put on the braces (not extra hard) in hopes the raccoon would hurry up and get out of the way.  MEANWHILE there was a SEMI TRUCK near the back of the last bike behind us.   Of course they have a harder time to slow down.   Ken was watching out his mirror to gage his speed for the safety of all......but there hearts were now beating to have this semi truck breathing down their necks.   The raccoon made it across the road and we continued......but once again we had our hands up in the air thanking GOD for his watchful care over us.


3.  AS we entered Sebring, the bikes went their various ways towards home.   One couple normally go down MANATEE road, but the police were there.  A sink hole had opened up in the middle of the street so they were directing travel ON A SAND ROAD thru the orange grove.   Bikes do NOT do well on sand.   Yes one of them went down in the sand.   A police officer lifted the bike off of him and he is ok, but will be sore.  Trust all truly is well.  He was going very slow, but the bike did lay on him.   When he texted me about it, he was sure to give Thanks to God that the police were protecting them from falling into a sink hole and that he will be fine.  They arrived home safely.


Even though there is ALWAYS danger on the roads, and especially when you are on a motorcycle.  Cars just do not watch out for you.   But we TOTALLY ENJOY riding bikes.  The weather was wonderful.  The company was enjoyable....and it was a GREAT day.