Most of the night, and so far today, our smoke detector is BEEPING at us. It is not really annoying, but we hear it gently beep on a regular basis a few minutes apart. It is trying to tell us that it needs new batteries to be effective in protecting us. If we would put new batteries in, it will BEEP LOUDLY should we have a fire and it could save our lives.
I was thinking how nice it would be to design little beepers and implant them into our Bibles. Then, when we get busy and they lay unopened, they would begin to gently BEEP at us. Or when we are worrying or wondering what to do in a certain situation, it would gently BEEP at us reminding us that the answer can be found in the contents of its pages.
Well we DO have the Holy Spirit of God residing INSIDE each Believer of Jesus. Let us ask HIM to remind us to read the Bible regularly. Let us be determined to read MORE of God's Word this year.
Let us not get bogged down in guilt if we get behind. Just pick up your Bible again and read. Ask the Holy Spirit of God to help you remember to read His Word. Give HIM permission to BEEP your heart!
Holy Spirit of God, I give You permission and sincerely ask You to help me be more consistant in reading my Bible this year. Please remind me when I falter that there is LIFE in those pages, because it is YOUR WORD!.... and YOU are life!
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