Sadly, I am all too aware how easy it is for people to stay home from Church on Sunday evenings and Wednesday nights. Every Pastor (and wife) has heard countless "reasons" why Church people choose not to come to the evening services. After hearing these excuses week in and week out, it even sneaks into my own mind from time to time. I too would like to stay home from time to time. I have to confess that laziness before my LORD and resist that thought in the name of Jesus...and get up and GO!
For us, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening are the power services!
Sunday night the general format is this: We encourage people to SHARE what God has done in their life or shown them in His Word this last week. After they share a testimony they can choose a song. Of course people can just select songs too, as pressure is put on no one, only encouragment. We sing alot and we HEAR what God is doing in our lives.
[We know that if people cannot talk about Jesus with Christians, MOST LIKELY, they are not comfortable sharing Jesus with their family and neighbors. So we believe encouraging them to talk is vital for their spiritual growth, as well as the growth of this Church.]
Pastor "teaches" on Sunday night from the floor, using a writing board so all can SEE, as well as HEAR, and thus retain more to better equip them for their week ahead. Life is tough and we NEED to be armed with the Word of God. Afterwards several of us fellowship at the Ice Cream Parlor, but since it is closing, we may have to bring ice cream to the church and then we can include everyone.
Wednesday nights there is a hymn book on each seat. Everyone comes in, sits down and begins to find their choice of a song. After prayer, we sing the first verse of each selected hymn. It is alot of fun, and we get to learn some hymns we do not all know, and sing hymns that build up our faith. We share prayer requests. Pastor shares a devotional with us, and the rustle of Bible pages are heard.Then the men go into the Pastor's office for prayer. The ladies stay in the circle and pray together.
This is the HIGHLIGHT of my week! I LOVE to hear other ladies pray! It is such Holy ground to me! I am sitting in the presence of ladies who are talking to GOD! God is listening to them! Such Holy ground! God hears and ANSWERS our prayers!
I received this NOTE from a lady who told us she and her husband would not be coming on Sunday nights or Wednesday nights. They just didn't do that anymore. So it was a real delight to have them in our evening service!
To God be the GLORY. GREAT things HE has done and continues to do!
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