EXCITING days are here in our little, but growing, Church!
Our hymnals have been in very poor condition for quite a while. About 2 years ago, a few of us ordered sample hymnals to review, as we sure did want new ones. We agreed that we wanted hymnals that were easier to read. We agreed and wanted the Bible verses to accompany the songs and we wanted a good variety of hymns and choruses. But while we were reviewing the hymnals, our Church, like so many, had to put a freeze on Church expenditures. The samples were set aside, and we faithfully sang praises from our old tattered hymnals.
THIS YEAR,for Christmas, 25 new hymnals were donated to our Church! This was a TOTAL SURPRISE! The EXACT hymnal our committee had reviewed and was leaning towards!
25 is enough for the size of our congregation on most Sundays, BUT WE HAVE A VISION OF GROWTH. So our people became excited! Various members WANTED to buy more hymnals and began donating. The original donator CAUGHT our vision and ordered 25 more! They arrived today. We are about to order more in accordance to donations from the congregation at $10.00 a hymnal. We want ALL of our pew racks to be full and READY for the doors to burst open with people!
We are so excited! God is up to something really good and we are thrilled to be a part of it here at Faith Missionary Baptist Church!
What an exciting day it will be when all the new hymnals have someone holding it. Exciting to envision people in every pew! I can already HEAR all the voices being lifted in Praise to God, who alone is worthy of our praise!
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