I have missed holding my mom's hand as we walked along. Oh we were aware of what it LOOKED like to some people in today's world, but we also were VERY aware of the meaning it had for us. Two friends who were proud to be able to walk side by side and loved being together. Since her entrance into Heaven, I have missed that -I have missed her warm hand in mine...... but God has heard my heart's cry.
Twice so far this week, it has been my honor to hold the hand of another woman while walking....short distances, but nevertheless....walking with them.
One was a dear friend who is struggling with some memory issues. We walked and talked as we cried together, laughed together, prayed together and smiled into each other's faces and hearts. I love holding her hand. I love the warmth of her hand, for it means LIFE. Precious life, a gift from GOD.
This morning I held the hand of a neighbor lady who has Alzheimers. I held her hand so she would not stray while her daughter was busy doing something in the yard. What an honor to feel the warmth of LIFE in my hand. Her sweet smile as she looks at me and innocently says "I Love you", warms my heart.
This morning I heard Beth Moore mention how when Jesus was 12 years old his family had gone on a big family trip, laughing and talking as they walked along.....only to loose the presence of Jesus. They didn't even know he was gone for a while! But they sure missed him when they realized he was not present!
I pray that my life will never again become so full of busyness, activities, programs and things that I loose sight of Jesus in my life. I know HE wants my life to be more aware of PEOPLE , than THINGS.
That is one treasure I have about my mother-in-law, Marie. It seemed no matter what she was doing, when I came to visit.....she gave me her full attention. She didn't look longingly at her projects and think "Will this girl ever leave?". She would ask if I cared for a cup of tea, and before I could answer the tea kettle was on. She knew the value of PEOPLE over things.
God is teaching me the value of His presence, and the value of loving people. The whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to SEEK AND TO SAVE THOSE WHO WERE LOST, and ultimately PAY the penalty for their sin. He touched those who others would not touch. He cared about people no matter what disease they had, how old or young, how much money they had, what language they spoke, etc. I want to be like HIM.
I want my heart to beat in sync with the heart of Jesus. May I never be too busy to touch another warm human being, and show them the Love of Jesus.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
He unpacked my Suitcase
Background: Since I was a little girl I wanted to be a Missionary for Jesus. Ken and I did a couple of short term trips and LOVED THEM! Always expected the Lord to swing open the door to go abroad. Always thought it would be in a spanish speaking country because that language is the most familiar to me. We named our children names that would easily translate into Spanish. Long ago, back in college, I felt drawn to a place called Botswana, Africa. A place I have never placed my feet, and yet have prayed for the people there over the years. It didn't really matter to me where, I just wanted to be a Missionary for Jesus!
Yet year after year God has led Ken and I to serve Him in the USA. , and I have done so joyfully (most of the time). I will serve HIM anywhere. I mean that, and yet the YEARNING to go abroad has been strong. Missionary conferences are especially hard for me, as I am JUMPING up and down before Lord, saying "TAKE ME, TAKE ME." Yet year after year God keeps us here in the USA.
Friday, July 13, 2012
We Encourage ourselves!
I have often wondered what it means when King David “encouraged himself in the LORD his God” (1 Sam. 30:6 KJV). Me, like so many of us, mostly depend on other people to encourage us on those dark days when something has tipped our heart into sadness. Lately I have been fighting depression over several things that have flown in my face. Yes I drink from the Word of God and I am THRILLED that His Word is FILLED and overflowing with Encouragement to my wounded soul. [I am fighting well and on the winning side, for sure.]
As I was thinking on this topic, the Lord reminded me of our recent trip to MI. We took the car instead of the motorcycle, as we wanted our daughter to be able to go with us to see her brothers. But as we were traveling the clouds were overhead and the rain began to pour. It was hard for Ken to see the road clearly. Ken in his chipper voice said, "Let's put on our yellow glasses!" We use these on the motorcycle on cloudy days. We put them on IN THE CAR, and it is amazing how everything brightens up! It is like the SUN is shining, even though my mind KNOWS it is the yellow glasses that is bringing the sunshine into my vision.
It was amazing how it brightened my mood as we continued down the road. Soon the SUN did come out, and the glasses could be put away.
Sometimes we just need to ENCOURAGE OURSELVES....at least for a short time, until the SON penetrates our downcast soul and we can REJOICE in who we are and what we have in Christ!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
One thing Ken helped do for Kaili's graduation party was to put out the signs directing people to her party. One person put the lettering on the signs. One person put the sticks on the sign. one person added the balloons. One person put them in the ground at certain locations......but it was the responsibility of EVERY driver to follow the signs if they wanted to be sure and arrive at her party.
Invitations had been sent out. Food prepared. Tables and Pavillion all decorated in school colors. Plenty of outdoor games were ready to be enjoyed. Powerpoint presentation set up and scrolling picture after picture of Kaili. Kaili had a table full of accomplishments for all to see what she has done up until this point in her life. But that is all the family could do. Now it was up to the people to come.
There is some anticipation before such a party. One thing for sure, they had enough seating and enough food! In fact they had EVERYTHING in order. But the wait for the cars was hard. We knew of other events in the area that may be drawing people to other places. What will we do with all this leftover food? How disappointed Kaili will be if only a handful come!
THEN, the cars started coming. They had followed the signs right to Kaili's party. Plenty of people gathered to celebrate Kaili's graduation. She had relatives from both sides galore. Children were playing in the fenced park area. Men were playing horseshoes. There were bean bag games, bocci ball, croquet, balls, frisbees, slides, swings, merry-go-round.......and more food than you can imagine. Kaili was dressed so pretty, greeting each guest as they came to celebrate her graduation.
As Christians, that is all we can do as well. We send out invitations. We let people know they are personally invited to join the family of God. We explain to them HOW. We put up signs along the way showing them, leading them to the right place. We tell people about Jesus and all He has done for them. We invite them to come to His table of riches now and forevermore. We tell them of all He has accomplished for them. We can put out balloons by having special events, we can make the signs big and flashy....but it still is up to each individual.....to WANT to come to Christ.
I pray that you and I will be faithful to put the signs out.....for Christ.
Escanaba City Band
Most of our family gathered together at this Band Shell to hear the Escanaba City Band play patriotic music. The band looked so nice in their red and blue uniforms. The numerous american flags only added to the festivity as we honored our flag. The band had a great sound and there were lots of various instruments making up this band.
But our eyes were only on one clarinet player, our grandaughter, Kaili.
No offense to all the other members, for indeed I am sure they are fine people and great musicians......but our family came to hear Kaili play.
Our eyes were fixed on watching her whether she was playing or not playing, whether she was sitting or standing. Our attention was on one beautiful, newly graduated, young lady playing her clarinet. I am very sure, she was aware of our presence in the audience, yet her attention was on the Director and on the notes in front of her. Her eyes and attention were properly focused , as expected of each member of the band. THAT produces the sound the audience applauds for.
I am sure there are lots of lessons we can glean from this - but right now I am thinking about the Church. We are a team, although we play various instruments, or have various roles and talents. Sometimes one section is featured, and another section is silent. Sometimes we all play together where one instrument does not dominate over another. Sometimes a player or two will be featured for a short time. But at the end of the concert, it was all about the Band as a whole.
The Band as a whole, reading notes on a page and following the direction of a Conductor. Oh it is so similar to a healthy Church, where the people have various roles, and yet work together as a team.....using the Bible as a guidebook, and following the Conductor of our lives: The Lord Jesus.
Some people go to Church to see a particular player (maybe the Pastor), or to hear a particular instrument (like worship music)....but God wants us to go to Church to hear the beauty of the Body of Christ....in sweet unity....loving each other.
Let's go to Church, pick up your 'instrument', read the manual and follow the Conductor.....and show the world how beautiful it truly is, to be a Christian!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
All from a Baggie
What a THRILL to teach Children's Sunday school today! I have the miracles of Jesus all in a baggie, and each week a child chooses one out of the bag to be our lesson. So it is a surprise to me also. A fresh word from the Bible for the student/s and also for me!
Today the healing of the Crippled Woman was chosen. Luke 13: 10-17.
Fun as we walked around the room all humped over trying to imagine how awkward and sad it would be to have had that condition for 18 years, like the Bible says. Then I had cardboard people which we used to act out the miracle. We had a man figure that was JESUS, and a woman figure (which we bent over with our hands) to be the crippled woman. We took turns re-telling the miracle story.
Amazing how the woman went to Church crippled and went home HEALED.
We talked about how Jesus SAW her and called her forward. Most of the time when a teacher tells you "Come up here"....it is not for something good. But Jesus had something WONDERFUL planned for this woman.
I love how Jesus spoke to her his intentions, and then touched her. So glad that JESUS is a touchy kind of God who does not stand back from us, but loves to touch us, love on us, let us know that HE is with us.
Her reaction to His touch of healing, was to praise God. [There is a whole sermon in that statement alone!]
I said: "Do you think everyone in the church was happy that this woman was healed and could stand up straight?" YES, was the reply. But then we read verse 14. Not everyone was happy!
But when Jesus tells the man he should be ashamed of himself. Jesus had healed a person on the Sabbath which the Accuser had considered "work" on the sabbath. Jesus pointed out that he had untied his donkey that morning and led it out to water. Was THAT not work on the sabbath? A Donkey needing water and a woman needing the ability to stand straight were both needed today!
AND all the people understood and left REJOICING.
Sounds like that was one powerful Church service when Jesus was teaching, stopped and healed someone in need.
TONIGHT in our Church service, a lady was feeling terribly sick, and made it known to Pastor. He stopped, went back to her, Gentely touched her and prayed for her.........and she begin to feel FINE once again.
Thank You Lord, that YOU STILL hear and answer prayer. That You Still minister to the needs of Your people. May we never be too involved in our lesson, our plan, our life.....to miss the needs of people...one precious soul at a time.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Unknown Protection!
On this wonderfully hot day in Florida, I decided to make a lunch of fresh fruit and took it out to my hubby who was putting shelves in our shed. We decided to take our lunch out to the chairs that overlooks a lovely pond behind our "house". Our dog, NOMAD, sat in his chair begging Ken for pieces of cantelope. A lovely Lunch by the water.
Then I looked out and asked Ken if he thought THAT was a gator whose eyes were barely visable above the water level. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between gator eyes and the huge turtle noses....but as we continued to look...his head lifted, his back came to the surface and his identity was WELL KNOWN. No more doubting. It was indeed a Gator.
Little did our 15 pound, tail wagging dog know that without our presence and protection, he might be the target of a gator's lunch. Nomad had no idea that danger was just alittle way off.
I could not help to thank my LORD for the zillion of times HE protects us and yet we have no idea we are even in danger! I am so very thankful for a God who cares about us!
Thank you Lord for your care!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Sermon from my Cupboards!
This is not my first house to have the Fruit of the Spirit stenciled on my kitchen cupboards. I find it challenging, empowering and comforting to walk into my kitchen several times a day and to see the REMINDER of how God wants me to think and act on my kitchen cupboards. When we moved here, I thought I could do without it....but before long I found myself stenciling the familiar words to my cupboard doors.
I am a believer in Scripture and desire the Word of God to be around me and in me as much as possible. I need to be renewed in my mind on a regular basis so as not to return to my old pattern of thinking or acting.
I am so thankful for the Word of God, that truly is life changing. His Word changed me and I have no desire to go back to where I used to think or act!
In the photo you see some of my kitchen cupboards. "Gentleness" is found under the oven. The others are on the other side of the kitchen.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
-- Galatians 5:22-23
You can see the Fruit on my cupboards, but my prayer is that people can see them in my life!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
What a Dream!

RARELY do I remember what I dream, but I STILL remember a short dream I had the other night!
Hubby and I were at a large deaf event, like Deaf Expo, although I am not sure what it was. We were walking around and chatting with deaf people when I noticed a newly converted DEAF FRIEND of mine enthusiastically going up to deaf people and signing: "Are you saved?"
If they signed back "Yes", she smiled and gave them a hug. If they signed: "NO, and get out of here.", she quietly left them to go to the next. BUT IF THEY SIGNED: "I don't know what SAVED means" or " I hope so"....she would gently take them by the hand and lead them to us.
Holding the person's hand (my dream only showed woman to woman), she came up to me and said: Would you please explain to her what SAVED means.
This happened over and over. All the time we were there, I noticed this deaf friend, going around as if THAT was the whole reason she came to this Deaf event.
I had come to meet Deaf people.
She had come to lead them to Christ.
Oh that Christ might make me more of a soul winner. Oh, that Christ, would stir up the Deaf people to reach other Deaf people for Jesus. Oh, that my dream will become more of a reality!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday

Since my children were babies, I have had my idea of the PERFECT WAY to spend GOOD FRIDAY afternoon.
[Now, I rarely get to truly spend it this way, but my heart does every year.]
When the children were tiny, I would gather them into the living room, we would turn off most of the lights, the TV and all sound. And from 1:00 until 3:00, we would sit in silence, sing, or read the Bible.
[When life got busier and they didn't want to comply with my ideas of silence,.....I started to only celebrate this way in my heart.]
There is something so precious and holy to ME about Good Friday. I have felt this more strongly as I age and have experienced grief over the death of loved ones and friends. I have been with people when their child died, or their spouse died and the loss and grief cannot be described. I can only imagine how Mary felt watching her precious, oldest son, being tortured and hung publicly on that cross of shame. I can only imagine the confusion in the minds of the disciples and other followers, who did not understand why a GOOD man like Jesus, had to die. Many people thought their hopes and dreams ended during the time of the Crucifixion.
I don't know what you plan to do today from 1:00 - 3:00, and I don't know what I will actually be doing either.....but my heart will go to a dark room and be EVER GRATFUL that He hung on that cross, shed His blood.....for ME!
Another special GOOD FRIDAY happened in Watson Bible Chapel, several years ago. A group of us marched in to Service that day with black flags and we waved them in different formations to depict the song: Via Dialosa. THAT was a spiritually powerful experience for me that I have never forgotten.
Whatever your body does this afternoon.....silence your heart, and bow your knee.
And Remember: Sunday is coming!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Stop! Are You Kidding, Lord?

I LOVE IT when God talks to me....directly....personally....to ME! Doesn't happen as often as I would like....but I am sure the reason is ME, not HIM.
Today I was furiously making some things I had felt would be wonderfully meaningful and would add to our special service Sunday which will be about the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. I was in my element as I was cutting, twirling, beading and gluing what I THOUGHT was a special project.
Today as CLEAR as could be, God told me to STOP! Now I am sure you can picture this in your mind....as I quickly turned my eyes to Heaven, and said, "Surely that wasn't YOU!" I explained to Him that this would be a great project....loaded with gospel meaning and added to the topic of Sunday. God again spoke very clearly....."NO, I want you to stop that project."
I didn't ask Him, Why? I just put them down and left the project area.
NOW I MUST SAY....I have not put the project pieces away....JUST IN CASE HE SAYS: "I was just kidding!" or "You can resume them now."
I did remind Him, 'that my schedule if pretty busy this week, and my time for this project is limited. So if He is just wanting me to rest from the project NOW or TODAY, then keep in mind that my time is limited.'
I am sure God gets a kick out of hearing me talk back to Him.
I DO LOVE to hear His voice, and in all truth I will gladly continue to lay down the project even though I don't understand HIS reasoning. I do trust HIM and will obey His voice.
Monday, February 6, 2012
I Want to be Drunk!

I hope you didn't wonder for over a second that I would fall away from my love for my Lord. I posed for this picture, as I was appalled when a local Restaurant served me ROOT BEER in this brown bottle. Ken said I turned all red and quickly asked for a glass. Then after he had a good laugh at my embarrassment, he had me pose for this picture!
I am so thankful that I never walked the walk of alcohol, for I know it is a very difficult addiction (or habit) to control or stop. Alcohol changes the thinking, reacting, speech, and attitudes of people. Total families have been effected by the drinking of one family member.
SO should a relationship with Jesus change our thoughts, our reactions, responses, our choice of words, attitudes, and family relationships! I long to be Drunk with the Holy Spirit of God. I want Bonnie to be empty of herself, and filled with the Holy spirit. I want to be moved and motivated by the Holy Spirit. I want my words to reflect my love for Him. I want to think, act and talk differently than those who do not honor Jesus with their heart.
The Bible says: "Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit." (Ephesians 5:18)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Where is my Mind?

I am not proud of this confession, but I am also relatively sure that I am not alone in my tendency to daydream when I am reading the Scripture. I believe there is an enemy who does NOT want me to read God's word and he feeds numerous distractions to my mind that derail my thinking from the Word.
Every year I try AGAIN to read the Bible thru in a year. I try to read a different translation from the previous year, just to spark my own thinking from the variety of word selection.
It doesnt seem to matter what translation I choose, I have the same issue. It doesnt take long for my mind to wander, and I realize I have no idea what I just read. Makes me so angry at myself! I do not want to read, just to meet some personal goal, or check off a daily Bible reading....I truly want to KNOW God and His Word.
SO....I set up a plan of attack: When my mind wanders I make a mark on a sheet of paper beside me. Then I re-read what I just dreamed over. When my mind wanders again, I make another mark and once again re-read....hoping to get farther along each time. But in all honesty, and shame....my marks get pretty numerous.
When my reading for that day is completed, I do not shame myself with the marks. I do not tell myself how lousy of a Christian I am for not being able to concentrate on the Word of God. I don't self talk, or self blame or belittle myself......not anymore. [There was a day when I did.]
NOW I hold the list and ask God's forgiveness for my undisciplined mind, for my wayward thoughts, and ask Him to help me to be a better student of His Word, to have better concentration on what I am reading so my mind, heart and life can change to be more like Him. I use my "flaws" to be a time of confession before my Lord.....I need Him.
I am so thankful that God does not condemn me for my lack of perfection or even my faltering faith. God loves me.
I challenge you also, since you most likely have this same issue when you read your Bible. Use your faulty concentration on His Word to be a precious time to snuggle into the arms of your Savior and THANK HIM for meeting all of your needs....for you indeed are needy. I am indeed of NEED of Him.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
Thursday, January 12, 2012

This morning my husband and I were lazily, snuggling in...when we heard that familiar sound...the GARBAGE TRUCK. Immediately we went into action. We had deliberately NOT put out the garbage last night because we had alot of carpet pieces and we didn't want them to get rained on and thus be too heavy for the men to lift into the truck. We also had some smelly bags from cleaning out the frig and didn't want animals getting in to it over night. BUT we did not expect him SO EARLY! No matter how fast we moved, WE MISSED HIM!
My husband was able to load the carpet pieces into the car and track down the garbage truck. And we have a plan for the garbage bags to be picked up at another location. But I thought of how our tranquil morning was disrupted IMMEDIATELY at the sound of the Garbage Truck....and our negligance, our laziness, had caused us to MISS the garbage truck.
Now this is not nearly as tragic as it will be when the TRUMP sounds, Jesus calls His people to Himself and people are found still on earth. Well meaning people, Church going people, Good people....left behind. How sad that will be!
We missed the garbage Truck today.....but we will not miss the Rapture! When the trumpet sounds....Ken and I have our reservations securely made in the blood of Jesus Christ. We will be GONE in the twinkling of an eye!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
A REAL Princess!

Like you, as Christians, we try harder every year to keep Christ in Christmas. We try to have meaning to our presents. We want to be remembered as the Grandpa and Grandma who gave gifts of meaning. Every year it is a struggle to do so.
One of the special gifts this year went to our 5 year old grand-daughter Aleaha who LOVES to dress up as all the Disney Princesses. So this year, we bought her a lovely pink princess dress and included this letter:
Dear Aleaha,
You became a real princess the moment you prayed and asked Jesus to live in your heart, April 13, 2011. And since He is the King of Kings and you are His daughter, that makes you His princess.
You will always be our little princess too.
We love you very much.
Grandpa and Grandma Lambert in Florida
Friday, January 6, 2012
A Special Gift for a Special Young Lady

One of our precious Grand-daughters was turning three. I asked her daddy if she was still in love with "Dora"...he said "No", she has started an interest in Barbie dolls.
IMMEDIATELY...my mind knew what I wanted to purchase for my grandaughter for her 3rd birthday. I asked my husband to join me in searching for the sign Language Barbie. I know I have one, but it is packed in storage somewhere, or I would have sent her mine. Surprised to see that it is now a vintage doll so the price was more than I would ever pay for a Barbie for a 3 year old....but she is precious, and this doll has such meaning.
You see, I am a deaf interpreter, so our family has been giving the "I Love you" sign to each other since they were born. Our grandchildren ALSO know the meaning of the hand sign.
Sometimes.....there is no price limit to a gift you know has special meaning. I told her to think of Grandma when she looks at Barbie's hand. I asked her to always remember that her grandma loves her.
Special Gift for a Special young lady.
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