This is adapted for Christmas from a similar story found online, but did not find an author's name. If anyone finds an author, I will delete this promptly.
One day in early December, Jenny (who is almost 5) was at the Dollar store with her mom. Mom was looking for Christmas decorations, but Jenny was just looking at things on the shelves she could see. Mom had picked up quite a few things when she heard Jenny’s excited voice, “MOMMY – look at that beautiful necklace!” Mom looked at it, a simple, cheap necklace made of play/faux pearls strung by elastic. Mom did not share her excitement knowing it could break easily with beads going everywhere. Jennie tugged on her mom, once, twice, and said, “I really WANT that pearl necklace mommy, can I have them, please!”
As mom stood in line to check out, Jenny tugged again at her mom and pleaded one last time for the necklace.
“Jenny, will you help me bake cookies without complaining?” “YES”, said Jenny. “OK",agreed mom. Jenny ran back to the necklace she had her eye on, carefully picked it up and went back, smiling, to the check out.
The minute she got in the car, Jenny opened the box and proudly put on the necklace. She felt so pretty and so grown up. Jenny wore them everywhere – Church, School, play, even to bed.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night he would read her a story and pray with her.
One night when he finished the story he asked Jenny: “Do you love me?” “Oh Yes Daddy. You know that I love you”, said Jenny. “Then give me your pearls,” said dad. “Oh Daddy, not my pearls! You can have my favorite pink horse, Daddy! You gave me that one remember Daddy? That is my favorite one!” “That’s ok, Honey”, said dad. “Daddy loves you. Good Night”, and he gave her a kiss.
About a week later, after story time, Jenny’s daddy asked again, “Do you love me?” “Daddy you KNOW that I love you”. “Then give me your pearls”. “Oh daddy not my pearls. You can have my baby doll. The new one I just got for my birthday. You can even have the blanket and her clothes.” “That’s ok. Sleep well. God bless you. Daddy loves you”, and he gave her a kiss.
A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed. As he came close he noticed Jenny was softly crying. “What is wrong, Jenny? Why are you crying?”
Quietly she lifted her little hand up to her daddy. When she opened it, her pearl necklace was in her hand. She said, “Daddy…this is for you, I do love you”.
With tears in his eyes, Daddy took the necklace and said, “I am so glad you love me that much”.
On Christmas morning, when all the gifts had been opened, daddy handed Jenny the gift hidden in the tree. She opened it and saw a blue velvet bag. Carefully she emptied the contents into her little hands….there was a strand of REAL pearls.
She put her arms around her daddy, and said, “Oh thank you…they are beautiful!”
See the Daddy had the real pearls for several months, but he wanted Jenny’s heart to be prepared to welcome the pearl necklace of value. Her heart seemed satisfied with the cheap one. He needed her to be willing to lay down the cheap one, so he could bless her with the real one.
What are we hanging on to? We think we can’t live without it? It makes us feel so good. But if we give everything we have to God, HE will shower us with blessings that are more valuable than we could ever imagine. #